Action recognition from video
Let’s now learn how to use the MMAction toolbox ( from the open-mmlab project to perform action recognition. The major features of MMAction are:
- Action recognition on trimmed videos (portion of the video that has an action)
- Temporal action detection (action localization) in untrimmed videos
- Spatial (parts of a frame that indicate an action) and temporal (variation of action across frames) action detection in untrimmed videos
- Support for various action datasets
- Support for multiple action understanding frameworks
First, let us understand how action recognition works. A video is a collection of images that are spaced over time (frames). We have two options of model input – 2D and 3D. 2D model input has a dimension of FxCHW where F is the number of frames and C, H, W are channels, height, and width respectively. 3D model input has an input dimension of CFHW...