Enterprise Manager performs round-the-clock monitoring of targets by collecting the performance data. Unmanned monitoring is one of the key features of Enterprise Manager Grid Control. Monitoring subsystem is a crucial piece in unmanned monitoring of targets. Let's learn about monitoring subsystem.
We will now see the major building blocks of the monitoring subsystem in greater detail.
A managed resource can expose performance indicators through various interfaces like JMX, SNMP, and so on. For example, WebLogic Server performance indicators are exposed through a JMX interface. Enterprise Manager provides executables that can access performance data from most of the standard interfaces. These executables are called fetchlets. There is one fetchlet for each data access mechanism. Some useful fetchlets are SNMP, JMX, and URLXML fetchlets, which can be used to access data from SNMP interface; JMX interface, and URL interfaces respectively.
For a complete list of available...