Setting up Webots with ROS
As already done with CoppeliaSim, we need to install Webots on our system before setting it up with ROS. Webots is a multiplatform simulation software supported by Windows, Linux, and macOS. This software was initially developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). Now, it is developed by Cyberbotics, and it is released under the free and open source Apache 2 license. Webots provides a complete development environment to model, program, and simulate robots. It has been designed for professional use and it is widely used in industry, education, and research.
You can choose different ways to install the simulator. You can download the .deb
package from the Webots web page ( or use the Debian/Ubuntu Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) package manager. Assuming that you are running Ubuntu, let's start by authenticating the Cyberbotics
repository, as follows:
wget -qO-