PowerShell editors
While you can develop PowerShell scripts using the Notepad application alone, it is rarely desirable. Using an editor that was designed to work with PowerShell can save a lot of time.
Specialized PowerShell editors such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and PowerShell Studio offer automatic completion (IntelliSense). IntelliSense reduces the amount of cross-referencing help content required while writing code. Finding a comfortable editor early on is a good way to ease into PowerShell; memorizing commands and parameters is not necessary.
In addition to the aforementioned editors, Windows PowerShell comes with PowerShell ISE. PowerShell ISE has not been updated for PowerShell 6 and higher and will only function correctly for Windows PowerShell.
PowerShell Studio is not free but includes graphical user interface development features.
VS Code is a highly recommended editor for PowerShell as it is free. VS Code is an open-source editor that was published...