- AAM / Overview
- overview / Active Appearance Models overview
- Model Instantiation / Model Instantiation – playing with the Active Appearance Model
- search / AAM search and fitting
- addRawViewOutput function / Accessing the camera
- Algorithm
- TopicngetList() function / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- algorithms, for descriptor matching
- brute force matcher / Matching of feature points
- flann-based matcher / Matching of feature points
- alien mode
- generating, skin detection used / Generating an "alien" mode using skin detection
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- Android
- program, porting from desktop to / Porting from desktop to Android
- Android 2.2 (Froyo) / Porting from desktop to Android
- Android app
- reviewing / Reviewing the Android app
- Frames Per Second, displaying for / Showing the FPS of the app
- Android Cartoonifier app
- customizing / Customizing the app
- Android Emulator / Porting from desktop to Android
- Android gallery
- about / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- image, saving to / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- Android menu bar
- cartoon modes, modifying through / Changing cartoon modes through the Android menu bar
- Android NDK app
- cartoonifier code, adding to / Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app
- Android notification message
- displaying, for saved image / Showing an Android notification message about a saved image
- Android project
- setting up / Setting up an Android project that uses OpenCV
- color formats, used for image processing / Color formats used for image processing on Android
- color format, inputting from camera / Input color format from the camera
- output color format, for display / Output color format for display
- ANN algorithm
- about / OCR classification
- annotation tool
- using / Annotation tool
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- overview / Introduction to ANPR
- ANPR algorithm
- about / ANPR algorithm
- pattern recognition steps / ANPR algorithm
- plate detection / Plate detection
- plate recognition / Plate recognition
- application architecture
- about / Application architecture
- application infrastructure
- about / Application infrastructure
- ARPipeline.hpp / ARPipeline.hpp
- ARPipeline.cpp / ARPipeline.cpp
- support, enabling for 3D visualization in OpenCV / Enabling support for 3D visualization in OpenCV
- arbitrary image, on video
- searching, feature descriptors used / Using feature descriptors to find an arbitrary image on video
- ARDrawingContext.cpp file / ARDrawingContext.cpp
- ARDrawingContext.hpp file / ARDrawingContext.hpp
- ARDrawingContext class / ARDrawingContext.hpp, ARDrawingContext.cpp
- ARPipeline.cpp file
- about / ARPipeline.cpp
- ARPipeline.hpp file / ARPipeline.hpp
- ARPipeline class
- about / ARPipeline.hpp
- AR scene
- rendering / Rendering an AR scene
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- about / Plate recognition
- ASM / Overview
- about / Active Shape Models
- PCA, working with / Getting the feel of PCA
- triangulation / Triangulation
- triangle texture warping / Triangle texture warping
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- rendering / Rendering augmented reality
- Augmented Reality (AR), rendering
- ARDrawingContext.hpp / ARDrawingContext.hpp
- ARDrawingContext.cpp / ARDrawingContext.cpp
- Augmented Reality (AR) application
- about / Application architecture
- components / Application architecture
- camera, accessing / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureDevice class / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureMovieFileOutput interface
- about / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureSession object / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureStillImageOutput interface
- about / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureVideoDataOutput class / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureVideoDataOutput interface
- about / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer class / Accessing the camera
- AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer interface
- about / Accessing the camera
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- bilateralFilter() method / Generating a color painting and a cartoon
- black and white sketch
- generating / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- brute force matcher
- about / Matching of feature points
- bucket fill tool / Implementation of the skin-color changer
- buildPatternFromImage class
- about / PatternDetector.cpp
- buildProjectionMatrix function / ARDrawingContext.cpp
- Bundle Adjustment (BA) / Refinement of the reconstruction
- calc_scale function / Training and visualization, Training and visualization
- camera
- color format, inputting from / Input color format from the camera
- accessing / Accessing the camera
- camera-intrinsic matrix
- about / Obtaining the camera-intrinsic matrix
- obtaining / Obtaining the camera-intrinsic matrix
- CameraCalibration class
- about / Camera calibration
- camera calibration process
- about / Camera calibration
- camera matrices
- finding / Finding camera matrices
- camera motion
- estimating, from a pair of images / Estimating the camera motion from a pair of images
- camera motion estimation, from pair of images
- about / Estimating the camera motion from a pair of images
- point matching, rich feature descriptors used / Point matching using rich feature descriptors
- point matching, optical flow used / Point matching using optical flow
- camera matrices, finding / Finding camera matrices
- camera resolution
- using / Using a different camera resolution
- camera_cailbration.exe package / Obtaining the camera-intrinsic matrix
- candidates search / Candidates search
- Canny edge detector
- about / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- cartoon
- generating / Generating a color painting and a cartoon
- cartoon.cpp file / Generating a black-and-white sketch, Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app
- cartoonifier code
- adding, to Android NDK app / Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app
- CartoonifierView class / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- cartoonifyImage() function / Generating a black-and-white sketch, Porting from desktop to Android, Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app, Showing an Android notification message about a saved image
- CartoonifyImage() function / Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app
- cartoon modes
- modifying, through Android menu bar / Changing cartoon modes through the Android menu bar
- CharSegment class / OCR segmentation
- CIELab color space / Skin-detection algorithm
- classification
- about / Classification
- collection mode / Collection mode
- color format
- inputting, from camera / Input color format from the camera
- outputting, for display / Output color format for display
- color formats
- used, for image processing on Android / Color formats used for image processing on Android
- color painting
- generating / Generating a color painting and a cartoon
- components. Augmented Reality (AR) application
- video source / Application architecture
- image processing routine / Application architecture
- visualization engine / Application architecture
- computePose function / Pattern.cpp
- contours detection
- about / Contours detection
- convertTo function / Feature extraction
- corner-based feature detectors / Feature extraction
- correlation-based patch models
- about / Correlation-based patch models
- discriminative patch models / Learning discriminative patch models, Generative versus discriminative patch models
- generative patch models / Generative versus discriminative patch models
- countNonZero function / Feature extraction
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- cross-match filter
- about / Cross-match filter
- cv
- TopicninitModule_contrib() function / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- TopicnAlgorithmTopicn / Training the face recognition system from collected faces, Viewing the learned knowledge
- cv**BFMatcher class / Cross-match filter
- cv**cornerSubPix function / Marker location refinement
- cv**countNonZero function / Marker code recognition
- cv**FeatureDetector class / Feature extraction
- cv**findCountours function / Contours detection
- cv**findHomography function / Homography estimation
- cv**FlannBasedMatcher method / Matching of feature points
- cv**getPerspectiveTransform function / Candidates search
- cv**getTextSize() function / Drawing the GUI elements
- cv**imshow() method / Main camera processing loop for a desktop app
- cv**Mat object / Accessing the webcam
- cv**normalize() function / Viewing the learned knowledge
- cv**putText() function / Drawing the GUI elements
- cv**setOpenGlDrawCallback method / ARDrawingContext.cpp
- cv**solvePnP function / Obtaining the camera-intrinsic matrix
- cv**VideoCapture**set() method / Accessing the webcam
- cv**VideoCapture object / Accessing the webcam
- cv**waitKey() method / Main camera processing loop for a desktop app
- cv**WINDOW_OPENGL flag / Creating OpenGL windows using OpenCV
- cv\
- \TopicnVideoCapture class / Training and visualization
- 3D
- marker, placing in / Placing a marker in 3D
- 3DMM / Overview
- 3D point clouds
- visualizing, with PCL / Visualizing 3D point clouds with PCL
- 3D virtual object
- rendering / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- 3D visualization
- support, enabling in OpenCV / Enabling support for 3D visualization in OpenCV
- data.txt file / Evaluation
- Delaunay triangulation / Triangulation
- demonstration project
- about / Demonstration
- main.cpp / main.cpp
- descriptor
- about / Point matching using rich feature descriptors
- descriptor-extraction algorithms / Feature extraction
- desktop app
- main camera processing loop / Main camera processing loop for a desktop app
- detected feature points
- about / Feature extraction
- detection mode / Detection mode
- detection process
- controlling / Putting it all together
- detectLargestObject()function / Eye search regions
- detect method / Feature extraction
- DetectRegions class / Classification
- dilate() method / Implementation of the skin-color changer
- DirectX / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- display
- color format, outputting for / Output color format for display
- drawFrame function / Rendering an AR scene
- drawString() function / Drawing the GUI elements
- EAGLView class / Creating the OpenGL rendering layer, Rendering an AR scene
- edge filters
- used, for generating evil mode / Generating an "evil" mode using edge filters, Skin-detection algorithm, Showing the user where to put their face, Implementation of the skin-color changer
- ellipse() function / Showing the user where to put their face
- equalizeHist() function / Step 2: Face preprocessing
- erode() method / Implementation of the skin-color changer
- errors, matching
- false-positive matches / Outlier removal
- false-negative matches / Outlier removal
- estimatePosition function / Marker pose estimation
- evil mode
- generating, edge filters used / Generating an "evil" mode using edge filters, Skin-detection algorithm, Showing the user where to put their face, Implementation of the skin-color changer
- example code
- using / Using the example code
- extraction
- about / Point matching using rich feature descriptors
- eye search regions
- about / Eye search regions
- cascade classifier / Eye search regions
- example / Eye search regions
- face preprocessing, performing / Eye search regions
- geometrical transformation / Geometrical transformation, Separate histogram equalization for left and right sides
- histogram equalization / Separate histogram equalization for left and right sides
- pixel noise effect, reducing / Smoothing
- Elliptical mask / Elliptical mask
- face
- detecting / Detecting the face
- face detection
- about / Face detection and initialization, Introduction to face recognition and face detection, Step 1: Face detection
- implementing, OpenCV / Implementing face detection using OpenCV
- Haar for object, loading / Loading a Haar or LBP detector for object or face detection
- LBP detector for object, loading / Loading a Haar or LBP detector for object or face detection
- webcam, accessing / Accessing the webcam
- object detecting, LBP Classifier used / Detecting an object using the Haar or LBP Classifier
- object detecting, Haar used / Detecting an object using the Haar or LBP Classifier
- face preprocessing / Introduction to face recognition and face detection
- about / Step 2: Face preprocessing
- eye, detecting / Eye detection
- eye search regions / Eye search regions
- face recognition
- about / Introduction to face recognition and face detection, Step 4: Face recognition
- from face / Face identification: Recognizing people from their face
- claimed person, verifying / Face verification: Validating that it is the claimed person
- files, saving / Finishing touches: Saving and loading files
- files, loading / Finishing touches: Saving and loading files
- interactive GUI, creating / Finishing touches: Making a nice and interactive GUI
- FaceRecognizer**train() function / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- faces
- collecting / Step 3: Collecting faces and learning from them
- researching / Step 3: Collecting faces and learning from them
- preprocessed faces, collecting / Collecting preprocessed faces for training
- face recognition system, training / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- internal data structures, viewing / Viewing the learned knowledge
- average face / Average face
- eigenvalues / Eigenvalues, Eigenfaces, and Fisherfaces
- eigenfaces / Eigenvalues, Eigenfaces, and Fisherfaces
- Fisherfaces / Eigenvalues, Eigenfaces, and Fisherfaces
- face tracking
- about / Face tracking
- implementing / Face tracker implementation
- visualization / Training and visualization
- training / Training and visualization
- person-specific models / Generic versus person-specific models
- geometric-specific models / Generic versus person-specific models
- face tracking algorithms
- data training, image component / Training data types
- data training, annotations componentt / Training data types
- data training, symmetry indices component / Training data types
- data training, connectivity indices component / Training data types
- data training, components / Training data types
- face_detector class / Face detection and initialization
- facial feature detectors
- using / Facial feature detectors
- advantages / Facial feature detectors
- correlation-based patch models / Correlation-based patch models
- global geometric transformations / Accounting for global geometric transformations
- visualization / Training and visualization
- training / Training and visualization
- false-negative matches
- about / Outlier removal
- false-positive matches
- about / Outlier removal
- feature descriptors
- used, for searching arbitrary image on video / Using feature descriptors to find an arbitrary image on video
- about / Feature extraction
- feature detection
- about / Feature extraction
- feature extraction
- about / Feature extraction, Feature extraction
- feature point
- about / Using feature descriptors to find an arbitrary image on video
- feature point orientation
- about / Feature extraction
- feature points
- detecting / Feature extraction
- matching / Matching of feature points
- Find Contours algorithm
- about / OCR segmentation
- findContours function / Segmentation
- findFundamentalMat function / Estimating the camera motion from a pair of images
- flag parameter / Segmentation
- flags parameter / Detecting the face
- flann-based matcher
- about / Matching of feature points
- floodFill() function / Implementation of the skin-color changer
- floodFill function / Segmentation
- Frames Per Second speed
- displaying, of Android app / Showing the FPS of the app
- FREAK algorithm
- about / Feature extraction
- ft_data class / Training data types
- geometrical constraints
- about / Geometrical constraints
- procrustes analysis / Procrustes analysis
- linear shape models / Linear shape models
- combined local-global representation / A combined local-global representation
- training / Training and visualization
- visualization / Training and visualization
- getResult method / Application architecture
- getSimilarity() function / Face verification: Validating that it is the claimed person
- getStructuringElement function / Segmentation
- grayscale conversion / Grayscale conversion
- creating / Finishing touches: Making a nice and interactive GUI
- modes, creating / Finishing touches: Making a nice and interactive GUI
- elements, drawing / Drawing the GUI elements
- mouse clicks, checking / Checking and handling mouse clicks
- mouse clicks, handling / Checking and handling mouse clicks
- GUI elements
- drawing / Drawing the GUI elements
- startup mode / Startup mode
- detection mode / Detection mode
- collection mode / Collection mode
- training mode / Training mode
- recognition mode / Recognition mode
- Hamming Code
- about / Marker code recognition
- homography estimation / Homography estimation
- PatternDetector.cpp / PatternDetector.cpp
- homography refinement
- about / Homography refinement
- PatternDetector.cpp / PatternDetector.cpp
- HSV (Hue-Saturation-Brightness) / Skin-detection algorithm, Implementation of the skin-color changer
- ICCV conference papers
- URL / Customizing the app
- image
- cartoonifying / Cartoonifying the image when the user taps the screen
- saving, to Android gallery / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- image binarization / Image binarization
- image recognition
- about / Using feature descriptors to find an arbitrary image on video
- imwrite() function / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- Infrared (IR) camera
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- initWithCoder function / Creating the OpenGL rendering layer
- inside() function / Checking and handling mouse clicks
- iOS project
- creating / Creating an iOS project that uses OpenCV
- OpenCV framework, adding / Adding OpenCV framework
- OpenCV headers, including / Including OpenCV headers
- Iterative Closest Point(ICP) procedure / Reconstruction from many views
- JavaCV library / Porting from desktop to Android
- JNI (Java Native Interface) / Porting from desktop to Android
- k-nearest neighbor (kNN) radius / Point matching using optical flow
- keypoints container
- about / Feature extraction
- Laplacian filters
- about / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- LDA / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- loDiff parameter / Segmentation
- main camera processing loop
- for desktop app / Main camera processing loop for a desktop app
- marker
- about / Marker detection
- placing, in 3D / Placing a marker in 3D
- strengths / Marker-based versus marker-less AR
- limitations / Marker-based versus marker-less AR
- marker, in 3D
- camera calibration process / Camera calibration
- marker pose estimation / Marker pose estimation
- marker-based approach
- versus marker-less approach / Marker-based versus marker-less AR
- marker-less AR approach
- versus marked-based AR approach / Marker-based versus marker-less AR
- strengths / Marker-based versus marker-less AR
- marker code
- reading / Reading marker code
- marker code recognition
- about / Marker code recognition
- marker code, reading / Reading marker code
- location refinement / Marker location refinement
- marker detection procedure
- about / Marker detection
- marker identification / Marker identification
- contours detection / Contours detection
- candidates search / Candidates search
- marker detection routine
- about / Marker identification
- grayscale conversion / Grayscale conversion
- image binarization / Image binarization
- MarkerDetector class / Application architecture, Marker detection
- MarkerDetector function / Image binarization
- marker location refinement / Marker location refinement
- marker pose estimation
- about / Marker pose estimation
- Mat**channels() method / Output color format for display
- match function / Matching of feature points
- matching
- errors / Outlier removal
- about / Point matching using rich feature descriptors
- mbgra variable / Output color format for display
- minAreaRect function / Segmentation
- minContourPointsAllowed variable / Contours detection
- minFeatureSize parameter / Detecting the face
- minMaxLoc function / Feature extraction
- minNeighbors parameter / Detecting the face
- morphologyEx function / Segmentation
- MUCT dataset
- about / Pre-annotated data (The MUCT dataset)
- using / Pre-annotated data (The MUCT dataset)
- Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
- about / OCR classification
- NDK (Native Development Kit) / Porting from desktop to Android
- newVal parameter / Segmentation
- nextFrameShouldBeSaved()function / Cartoonifying the image when the user taps the screen
- nextFrameShouldBeSaved() function / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- non-rigid face tracking
- overview / Overview
- object detection
- grayscale color conversion / Grayscale color conversion
- camera image, shrinking / Shrinking the camera image
- histogram equalization / Histogram equalization
- about / Introduction to ANPR
- OCR**train function / OCR classification
- OCR.xml file / Evaluation
- OCR classification
- about / OCR classification
- OCR segmentation
- about / OCR segmentation
- Ogre / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- onMouse function / Checking and handling mouse clicks
- onTouch() function / Cartoonifying the image when the user taps the screen
- OpenCV
- webcam, accessing / Accessing the webcam
- about / Accessing the webcam, Creating an iOS project that uses OpenCV
- main camera processing loop, for desktop app / Main camera processing loop for a desktop app
- Android project, setting up / Setting up an Android project that uses OpenCV
- adding, to iOS project / Creating an iOS project that uses OpenCV
- URL / Adding OpenCV framework
- feature detection algorithms / Feature extraction
- support, enabling for 3D visualization / Enabling support for 3D visualization in OpenCV
- used, for creating OpenGL windows / Creating OpenGL windows using OpenCV
- used, for capturing videos / Video capture using OpenCV
- used, for face detection implementing / Implementing face detection using OpenCV
- OpenCV framework
- adding, to iOS project / Adding OpenCV framework
- OpenCV headers
- adding, to iOS project / Including OpenCV headers
- OpenCV v2.4.1
- recognition algorithms / Training the face recognition system from collected faces
- OpenGL / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- rendering layer, creating / Creating the OpenGL rendering layer
- OpenGL rendering layer
- creating / Creating the OpenGL rendering layer
- OpenGL windows
- creating, OpenCV used / Creating OpenGL windows using OpenCV
- optical flow (OF)
- used, for point matching / Point matching using optical flow
- ORB algorithm
- about / Feature extraction
- outlier removal
- about / Outlier removal
- cross-match filter / Cross-match filter
- ratio test / Ratio test
- homography estimation / Homography estimation
- homography refinement / Homography refinement
- .pch file / Including OpenCV headers
- Pattern.cpp / Pattern.cpp
- PatternDetector.cpp
- about / PatternDetector.cpp
- PatternDetector.cpp file / PatternDetector.cpp
- PatternMatcher class / Putting it all together
- pattern object
- defining / Definition of a pattern object
- Pattern object
- about / PatternDetector.cpp
- pattern pose estimation
- about / Pattern pose estimation
- PatternDetector.cpp / PatternDetector.cpp
- pattern recognition algorithms, steps
- segmentation / ANPR algorithm
- feature extraction / ANPR algorithm
- classification / ANPR algorithm
- Perspective N-Point(PNP) / Reconstruction from many views
- plate detection procedure
- about / Plate detection
- segmentation / Segmentation
- classification / Classification
- plate recognition procedure
- about / Plate recognition
- OCR segmentation / OCR segmentation
- feature extraction / Feature extraction
- OCR classification / OCR classification
- evaluation / Evaluation
- Point Cloud Library (PCL)
- used, for visualizing 3D point clouds / Visualizing 3D point clouds with PCL
- about / Visualizing 3D point clouds with PCL
- about / POSIT
- dividing into / Diving into POSIT
- head model / POSIT and head model
- video file, tracing from / Tracking from webcam or video file
- webcam, tracing from / Tracking from webcam or video file
- predict() function / Face verification: Validating that it is the claimed person
- printMat() function / Viewing the learned knowledge
- printMatInfo() function / Viewing the learned knowledge
- processFrame() function / Output color format for display, Cartoonifying the image when the user taps the screen, Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery, Application architecture
- processFrame function / main.cpp
- processSingleImage function / main.cpp
- Procrustes Analysis / Active Shape Models
- program
- porting, from desktop to Android / Porting from desktop to Android
- ProjectedHistogram function / Feature extraction
- query descriptors
- matching / PatternDetector.cpp
- random pepper noise
- reducing, from sketch image / Reducing the random pepper noise from the sketch image
- random sample consensus (RANSAC) method / Homography estimation
- ratio test
- about / Ratio test
- PatternDetector.cpp / PatternDetector.cpp
- used, for performing robust descriptor matching / PatternDetector.cpp
- real-life image
- converting, to sketch drawing / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- recognition mode / Recognition mode
- reconstruction, scene
- refining / Refinement of the reconstruction
- removePepperNoise() function / Reducing the random pepper noise from the sketch image
- RGB (Red-Green-Blue) / Skin-detection algorithm, Implementation of the skin-color changer
- robust descriptor matching
- performing, ratio test used / PatternDetector.cpp
- RotatedRect class / Segmentation
- rotation invariant
- about / Feature extraction
- saved image
- Android notification message, displaying for / Showing an Android notification message about a saved image
- savePNGImageToGallery() function / Saving the image to a file and to the Android picture gallery
- savingRegions variable / Classification
- scene
- reconstructing / Reconstructing the scene
- reconstructing, from multiple view / Reconstruction from many views
- Scharr
- about / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- searchScaleFactor parameter / Detecting the face
- segmentation
- about / Segmentation
- setupCamera() function / Using a different camera resolution
- showNotificationMessage() function / Showing an Android notification message about a saved image
- ShowPreview() function / Output color format for display, Adding the cartoonifier code to the Android NDK app, Cartoonifying the image when the user taps the screen
- about / Feature extraction
- Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment (SSBA) library / Refinement of the reconstruction
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) / Finding camera matrices
- sketch drawing
- real-life image, converting to / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- sketch image
- random pepper noise, reducing from / Reducing the random pepper noise from the sketch image
- skin color changer
- implementing / Implementation of the skin-color changer
- skin detection
- used, for generating alien mode / Generating an "alien" mode using skin detection
- Skin detection algorithm
- about / Skin-detection algorithm
- Sobel
- about / Generating a black-and-white sketch
- Sobel filter
- about / Segmentation
- solvePnP functions / Reconstruction from many views
- solvePnPRansac function / Reconstruction from many views
- Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) features
- about / Point matching using rich feature descriptors
- Startup mode / Startup mode
- statistical outlier removal (SOR) tool / Visualizing 3D point clouds with PCL
- Structure from Motion (SfM)
- exploring / Structure from Motion concepts
- subspaceProject() function / Face verification: Validating that it is the claimed person
- subspaceReconstruct() function / Face verification: Validating that it is the claimed person
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- about / Plate detection
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm / Classification
- about / Feature extraction
- surfaceChanged() function / Using a different camera resolution
- SVD / Linear shape models
- threshold function / Segmentation
- training mode / Training mode
- TriangulatePoints function / Reconstruction from many views
- UIGetScreenImage function / Accessing the camera
- UIViewController interface / Application architecture
- Unity / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- Unreal Engine / Rendering the 3D virtual object
- upDiff parameter / Segmentation
- user face
- placing, for alien mode / Showing the user where to put their face
- utilities
- about / Utilities
- Object-oriented design / Object-oriented design
- data collections / Data collection: Image and video annotation
- videos
- capturing, OpenCV used / Video capture using OpenCV
- VideoSource interface / Accessing the camera
- ViewController class / Application architecture
- VisualizationController / Application architecture
- VisualizationControllerclass / Rendering an AR scene
- warpAffine() function / Geometrical transformation
- warpAffine function / Segmentation, Triangle texture warping
- webcam
- accessing / Accessing the webcam