Here are a few questions to test your understanding of this chapter:
- Which certificate store would you use for MSIX and MSIX app attach?
The Trusted People store.
- What is the difference between MSIX and an MSIX image?
MSIX: An application package format for distributing and managing Windows applications.
MSIX Image: An expanded MSIX package in a container format such as VHD, VHDX, or CIMFS, allowing deployment from a virtual disk.
- What are three different code-signed certificate types you can use with MSIX and MSIX app attach?
Self-signed, domain, and public certificates.
- What is the registry key for setting the MSIX app attach package check interval for Azure Virtual Desktop?
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent\MSIXAppAttach] “PackageListCheckIntervalMinutes”=dword:00000001