Xfce edition and settings
As you may recall, Xfce is one of the lightest Linux GUI environments. It is old and mature, initially released in 1997. Despite being light, it has an excellent set of options. Manjaro 23.0.0 comes with Xfce4 version 4.18. The official documentation page is https://docs.xfce.org/.
Xfce desktop and bottom panel bar right-click settings
To start, on a freshly loaded and logged-in system, right-click on the desktop and select Desktop Settings…. The Background tab is self-explanatory. Check its options, but also check the second and third tabs – Menus and Icons – as shown in Figure 3.3:

Figure 3.3 – Xfce Desktop Settings… and Icons tab
Regarding the Menus tab, it is interesting to check Window List Menu, which is currently enabled by default. When we middle-click the mouse on the desktop, it will show a listing of all workspaces (virtual desktops) and their opened applications. “What...