Best practice example multi-page view
You have seen that each View you create in Mahara is essentially a single web page. On each of these web pages, you can show off a section of your ePortfolio or discuss a subject or topic. Imagine if you could link lots of these web pages together to make a website. You would then be able to create a more comprehensive story using each page to discuss a different topic.
In this section, we are going to show you a very simple way that you can use in order to link your Views together. We will be making our own menu bar as well as discussing the kind of things you might want to put into the different pages of your site.
For our case study, we will be using a multi-page view created by Derrin Kent, which you can see at Derrin had created a number of Views in his portfolio on topics that interested him, including WBL 2.0 (Work Based Learning), ePortfolios, ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development), Peak Oil, and Web 2.0...