Uploading to the app stores
Each app store guides you through the steps of uploading a new app, and there are quite a lot of steps involved! It could take another book to show all the screens you have to wade through. Showing those screens here would not be so valuable, mainly because of the large quantity of screens, but also because the process changes from time to time. For example, Google even changed the name of their service since Chapter 2 was written!
There is some similarity between what each of the stores will ask you, so we'll look at what preparations you might want to take before heading off to the stores. When you are ready to proceed with the upload, these are the are the starting pages:
iTunes Connect - https://itunesconnect.apple.com
Google Play - https://play.google.com/apps/publish/
Amazon AppStore - https://developer.amazon.com/home.html
What's similar
All three app stores will ask for a description of what the app does, rating information, price, a support website or...