Bestaurants, the best restaurants in Belize
Belize thrives on tourism. Lots of tourists go there on holiday to enjoy its beautiful beaches and a wide range of restaurants. The government of Belize is trying to enrich tourists' experience by helping them to find their favorite restaurants in the country more effectively. To accomplish that, a new project titled Bestaurants has been proposed to design a new geodatabase which will have all places to eat and drink in Belize. Using ArcGIS for Desktop, we will design and create an ArcGIS geodatabase that can accommodate all diners, cafes, restaurants, bars, and lounges in Belize. You should be able to use Desktop to populate the geodatabase and add new venues in the Bestaurants
This project is an example that will be used and will reappear in later chapters. It is not an actual project and is not related to the country whatsoever.