Put your hands together
Now that we know about triggers and classes, it's time to revisit our business requirement again and complete the process to synchronize the phone
field on contacts with accounts. We'll start by taking our outer class shell and inserting our updateContactPhones()
method from Chapter 3, More and Later, as shown:
public with sharing class accountMethods { public static void updateContactPhones( List<Account> priorVersions, List<Account> updatedVersions ){ Set<Id> modifiedAccounts_Ids = new Set<Id>(); for ( Integer i=0;i<updatedVersions.size();i++ ){ if ( updatedVersions[i].Phone != priorVersions[i].Phone ){ modifiedAccounts_Ids.add(updatedVersions[i].Id); } } if ( modifiedAccounts_Ids.size() > 0 ){ List<Contact> contactQuery = [ Select Id, Phone, AccountId, Account.Phone from Contact where AccountId in :modifiedAccounts_Ids limit :( limits.getLimitQueryRows...