Further reading
We will finish this chapter with a few links to resources where you can read more about packaging:
- The Python Packaging Authority’s Packaging History page (https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/history/) is a useful resource for understanding the evolution of Python packaging.
- The Python Packaging User Guide (https://packaging.python.org/) has useful tutorials and guides, as well as a packaging glossary, links to packaging specifications, and a summary of various interesting projects related to packaging.
- The Setuptools documentation (https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/) contains a lot of useful information.
- If you are distributing a library that uses type hinting, you may want to distribute type information so that developers who depend on your library can run type checks against their code. The Python typing documentation includes some useful information on distributing type information: https://typing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/distributing...