To crack a WPA key, the first thing we're going to need to do is capture the handshake. We're going to capture the handshake by using airodump-ng, the same way that we used it with WEP-encrypted networks. We will use airodump-ng --bssid, the same way we used it to run it against WEP networks; at the end of the day, we're only capturing packets using airodump-ng, it's doing the same job. We will include the channel, and then we will write to a file, calling the file test-handshake; we will also include the wireless card in monitor mode. We use the same command we used when we were capturing packets for WEP networks, airodump-ng --bssid. We put the target AP, --channel; the target channel, --write; the name of the file that we're going to store stuff in; and wlan0, our Wi-Fi card, with monitor mode. The command is as follows: