Data set
Chapter 5 Emails.xlsx
Chapter 5 Carving.dd
Software needed
Timeline Explorer - https://ericzimmerman.github.io/#!index.md
Microsoft .NET 6 or newer is required. You will get errors without at least .NET 6. When in doubt, install it! Make sure you get the Desktop runtime if you plan on running any of the GUI programs.
Autopsy - https://www.autopsy.com/
Email exercise
An individual outside of m57.biz purchased a laptop from Craigslist. The laptop the individual purchased contained child pornography and they decided to inform the police about it.
Investigators were able to trace the laptop back to m57.biz. When the police contacted the CEO of m57.biz, the CEO reported that the laptop, as well as other items, had been stolen from the m57 inventory.
The m57 CEO gave consent for the police investigators to search m57.biz and image all of the m57.biz computers, company phones, as well as USB drives.
Analyze the emails found in...