Using impersonation tokens
In this recipe, we will impersonate another user on a network by using impersonation tokens. Tokens contain the security information for a login session and identifies the user, the user's groups, and the user's privileges. When a user logs into a Windows system, they are given an access token as a part of their authenticated session. Token impersonation allows us to escalate our privileges by impersonating that user. A system account, for example, may need to run as a domain administrator to handle a specific task and it generally relinquishes its elevated authority when done. We will utilize this weakness to elevate our access rights.
Getting ready
To execute this recipe we will need the following:
A connection to the Internet or intranet
A victim target machine is also required
How to do it...
We begin our exploration of impersonation tokens from a Meterpreter shell. You will have to use Metasploit to attack a host in order to gain a Meterpreter shell. You can use...