Outstanding platform games are a mix of principles from board games and puzzles, which is why the gameplay is so rich and diverse. In online board games, players move their game piece on a specially designed game board consisting of blocks, which form the platforms; there are normal game blocks, bonus ones, and of course, pitfalls. Pitfalls are either enemies of various forms or pits where a game piece can easily fall through, losing position. The following is an example of a game that is a mix of principles from board games and puzzles:

A specific rule defines how a player can overcome an opponent or any other type of obstacle; the player may use special weapons or fight using jumps or ram. All these features are taken from boards game; nevertheless, puzzles also add some nontrivial game mechanics.
Game levels imply a few ways to complete them. A player can use different types of strategies, and as a rule, a more advanced approach is rewarded with a more powerful bonus. The...