- addEventHandler / What just happened?
- addEventListener function
- parameters / Level 2
- about / Level 2, Event handling
- addItem function / Making use of interfaces, What just happened?
- addValue function / The addValue function
- aliases
- about / Aliases
- all function / Setting the connection, The all function
- anonymous objects / Anonymous objects, Anonymous objects
- anonymous types
- naming / Time for action – Naming Anonymous Types, What just happened?
- appendChild function / The browser's DOM
- args function / What just happened?
- arithmetic operators
- about / Arithmetic operators
- Array class
- about / Native types and haXe types
- arrays
- using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- Article class / Time for action – Representing different types of articles
- articles
- representing / Time for action – Representing different types of articles
- assets
- embedding / Embedding assets
- using / Time for action – Using assets
- assets.swf file / Time for action – Creating a library
- assignment operators
- about / Assigning values
- attachEvent method / Level 2
- base 10 / Base 10
- basics enums
- switching on / Switching on basic enums
- binary operators, haXe
- about / Binary operators
- assignment / Assigning values
- comparison / Comparison operators
- arithmetic / Arithmetic operators
- boolean / Boolean operators
- bitwise / Bitwise operators
- bitmap tag / Time for action – Using assets
- bitwise operators
- about / Bitwise operators
- blocks
- about / Blocks
- blog
- front page, creating for / Creating a blog's front page, Time for action – Creating our SPOD class
- blog article
- representing / Representing a blog article
- blogging system
- creating / Creating a blogging system
- posts, listing / Time for action – Listing posts
- users, listing / Time for action – Listing users
- user, adding / Time for action – Adding a user, Time for action – Adding a post
- body field / Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- boolean operators
- about / Boolean operators
- booleans, haXe constant / Booleans
- Bool type / Booleans
- break keyword
- about / Switch, Time for action – Using the break keyword
- using / What just happened?
- browser's DOM
- about / The browser's DOM
- -cp flag / Packages
- C++
- about / C++
- casting
- about / Casting
- safe casting / Safe casting
- unsafe casting / Unsafe casting
- untyped / Untyped
- cast keyword / Safe casting
- catch keyword / Exception handling
- character
- drawing, on screen / Time for action – Drawing the character
- moving / Time for action – Moving the character
- character moves
- handling / Time for action – Handling moves, What just happened?
- chmod +x hxinst-linux command / Installing on Linux
- class
- about / Classes
- accessing / Accessing a class
- example / Accessing a class
- Dynamic variables, implementing / Classes implementing Dynamic
- class instance
- constructing / Constructing class instance
- clip tag / Time for action – Using assets
- close function / The close function
- cnx property / Setting the connection
- commit function / The commit function
- comparison operators
- about / Comparison operators
- compile-time feature
- about / A compile-time feature
- drawback / A compile-time feature
- compile time / Time for action – Assigning to Dynamic variables
- Component class
- about / Using a resolve function when implementing Dynamic
- writing / Time for action – Writing our Component class
- modifying / The dot-notation
- ComponentParser class
- about / Time for action – Parsing the configuration file, Time for action – Writing the configuration file
- Computer.hx file / Time for action – Setting up the model
- Computer class / What just happened?
- computer controller
- setting up / Time for action – Setting up the controller
- computerList.controllers.ComputerListController / Time for action – Setting up the controller
- ComputerList.html file / Time for action – Setting up our view
- computerList.models namespace / Time for action – Setting up the model
- computerList.views.ComputerView / Time for action – Creating a computer view
- ComputerListController.hx file / Time for action – Setting up the controller
- computer model
- creating / Time for action – Setting up the model
- computer view
- setting up / Time for action – Setting up our view, What just happened?
- creating / Time for action – Creating a computer view, What just happened?
- conditional branching, haXe
- about / Conditional branching
- if expression / If
- switch construct / Switch
- conditional compilation, haXe
- depending, on flag / Conditional compilation depending on flags
- depending, on target / Conditional compilation depending on the target
- configuration file
- parsing / Time for action – Parsing the configuration file
- writing / Time for action – Writing the configuration file
- confirm function / What just happened?
- connection
- creating, to database / Time for action – Creating the connection to the database, What just happened?
- constants, haXe
- about / Constants and its types
- booleans / Booleans
- integers / Integers
- floats / Floats
- strings / Strings
- regular expressions / Regular expressions
- null value / The null value
- constraint parameters / Constraint parameters
- continue keyword
- using / Time for action – Using the continue keyword
- count function / The count function
- cpp package
- about / C++
- createElement function / Nodes
- createTextNode function / Nodes
- cross-platform / What is cross-platform in the library
- coding, import keyword used / Coding cross-platform using imports
- database
- connecting to / Connecting to databases
- connection, creating to / Time for action – Creating the connection to the database, What just happened?
- connecting, to SPOD system / Time for action – Connecting to the database
- database option / MySQL
- Date class / What just happened?
- dbName function / The dbName function
- default getter / The default getter
- default keyword / Switch
- default setter / The default setter
- delete function / The delete function
- displayInt function / What just happened?
- displayNumberOfWorkers macro / What just happened?
- DMG image
- about / Installing on MacOSX
- manipulating / Manipulating the DOM
- methods / Nodes
- DOM interface
- about / The DOM interface
- DOM level 0
- events, using from / Time for action – Using events from the DOM level 0, What just happened?
- DOM level 1
- about / Level 1
- DOM level 2
- about / Level 2
- DOM Level 2 events
- using / Time for action – Using DOM level 2 events
- dot-notation
- about / The dot-notation
- duck typing
- about / Duck typing, Duck typing
- Dynamic class
- parameterizing / Parameterized Dynamic class
- dynamic functions
- about / Dynamic functions
- dynamic getter / The dynamic getter and setter
- dynamic keyword / Dynamic functions
- about / The dynamic keyword
- dynamic setter / The dynamic getter and setter
- Dynamic type
- objective / Freeing yourself from the typing system
- warning / Warning
- Dynamic variables
- values, assigning to / Time for action – Assigning to Dynamic variables
- values, assigning from / Time for action – Assigning from Dynamic variables
- field access / Field access
- functions, assigning to / Functions in Dynamic variables
- dynamic website
- creating, with JavaScript / Have a go hero – A dynamic website with JavaScript
- Eatable interface / Time for action – A fridge with constraints
- elseif keyword / Branching
- else keyword
- about / Branching
- enums, haXe
- about / Basic enums
- constructors / Enums' constructors
- enums, with parameters / Enums with parameters
- enums with parameters
- switching over / Time for action – Switching over enums with parameters, What just happened?
- EReg type / Regular expressions
- escape function / The escape function
- event handling
- about / Event handling
- events
- about / Events
- using, from DOM level 0 / Time for action – Using events from the DOM level 0, What just happened?
- exception handling
- about / Exception handling
- exceptions
- about / Exception handling
- explicitly typed variables
- about / Explicitly typed variables
- expressions
- values, printing of / Printing a value
- extends keyword / Implementing an interface
- extern classes
- about / Extern classes
- writing / Time for action – Writing an extern
- using / Using an extern
- class path / Class path
- limitations / Limitations
- extern keyword / Time for action – Writing an extern
- fields
- declaring / Time for action – Declaring some fields, What just happened?
- accessing / Field access and function calls
- fk_author field / Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- Flash
- about / Flash
- / Event handling
- package / Event handling
- Flash9
- about / Flash9 and above
- flash9 package
- about / Flash
- FlashDevelop 3
- about / FlashDevelop 3
- Flash interface
- about / The Flash interface
- Flash magic functions
- about / The Flash magic
- __new__ / __new__
- __arguments__ / __arguments__
- __typeof__ / __typeof__
- __delete__ / __delete__
- __eval__ / __eval__
- __gettimer__ / __gettimer__
- __geturl__ / __geturl__
- __instanceof__ / __instanceof__
- __random__ / __random__
- __trace__ / __trace__
- __keys__ / __keys__
- __global__ / __global__
- __as__ / __as__
- __is__ / __is__
- __in__ / __in__
- flash package
- about / Flash
- floats, haXe constant
- about / Floats
- base 10 / Base 10
- scientific notation / Scientific notation
- for loop
- about / For
- Fridge.hx file / Time for action – Managing a fridge
- Fridge class / What just happened?
- about / Constraint parameters
- Eatable interface, implementing in / Time for action – A fridge with constraints
- writing / Time for action – Writing our Fridge class
- fridge management software
- creating / Time for action – Managing a fridge, What just happened?
- fromXMLFile function / Time for action – Reading from the XML file
- fromXMLNode function / Time for action – Reading from the XML file
- front page
- creating, for blog / Creating a blog's front page, Time for action – Creating our SPOD class
- function's type
- expressing / Expressing a function's type, Functions using functions
- function calls, haXe / Field access and function calls
- functionrole field / What just happened?
- functions
- applying, on items / Time for action – Applying a function on every item, What just happened?
- assigning, to Dynamic variables / Functions in Dynamic variables
- references, storing to / Time for action – Working around by storing reference to functions, What just happened?
- game
- designing / The game design
- game, designing with Flash
- assets / The assets
- character, drawing / Time for action – Drawing the character
- character movement, handling / Time for action – Handling moves, What just happened?
- character, moving / Time for action – Moving the character
- balls, adding / Time for action – Adding balls
- position, updating / Time for action – Updating the position
- collisions, detecting / Time for action – Detecting collisions, What just happened?
- getFloatResult function / Dealing with results
- get function / The get function
- getIntResult function / Dealing with results
- GET parameter / Creating a blogging system
- getResult function / Dealing with results
- getter
- writing / Writing the getter
- getWithKeys function / The getWithKeys function
- .hx extension / Modules
- HasName typedef / What just happened?
- hasNext function / What just happened?
- haXe
- installing / Installing haXe
- installing, ways / Two ways to install: The installer and sources compilation
- installing, on Windows / Installing on Windows
- installing, on MacOSX / Installing on MacOSX
- installing, on Linux / Installing on Linux
- nightly builds, installing / Installing nightly builds
- editor, selecting / Choosing an editor, FlashDevelop 3, The TextMate bundle, VIM
- packages / Packages
- modules / Modules
- classes / Classes
- constants / Constants and its types
- unary operators / Binary and unary operators, Unary operators
- binary operators / Binary operators
- blocks / Blocks
- variable scope / Variable declaration and scope
- variables, declaring / Variable declaration and scope
- local variable, declaring / In a block of instructions
- fields, accessing / Field access and function calls
- function calls / Field access and function calls
- class instance, constructing / Constructing class instance
- conditional branching / Conditional branching
- loops / Loops
- break keyword / Time for action – Using the break keyword, What just happened?
- continue keyword / Time for action – Using the continue keyword
- return keyword / Return
- exception handling / Exception handling
- anonymous objects / Anonymous objects, Anonymous objects
- local functions / Local functions
- fridge management software, creating / Time for action – Managing a fridge, What just happened?
- regular expressions / Regular expressions
- XML handling / XML handling
- platform specific packages / JavaScript, Neko
- conditional compilation / Conditional compilation
- remap switch / The remap switch
- explicitly typed variables / Explicitly typed variables
- static typing / Static typing
- type, defining / Defining a type
- inheritance / Inheritance
- multi-inheritance / Multi-inheritance
- interfaces, implementing / Implementing an interface, Implementing an interface, Implementation and type inference
- blog article, representing / Representing a blog article
- articles, representing / Time for action – Representing different types of articles
- function's type, expressing / Expressing a function's type, Functions using functions
- dynamic functions / Dynamic functions
- duck typing / Duck typing
- functions, applying on items / Time for action – Applying a function on every item, What just happened?
- type inference / Type inference
- casting / Casting
- typing system, avoiding / Freeing yourself from the typing system
- Dynamic class, parameterizing / Parameterized Dynamic class
- resolve function, using / Using a resolve function when implementing Dynamic
- dot-notation / The dot-notation
- dynamic keyword / The dynamic keyword
- interfaces / Interfaces, Purpose, Type inference, Making use of interfaces
- interfaces, writing / Purpose
- typedefs / Typedefs, What just happened?, Aliases, Visibility, Private typedefs, Duck typing, Typedefs to access private members, Creating iterable objects
- enums / Basic enums, Enums' constructors, Switching on basic enums
- enums, with parameter / Enums with parameters
- data types / Typing
- Sub-Templates, integrating / Integrating subtemplates
- blog, creating for front page / Creating a blog's front page, Time for action – Creating our SPOD class
- template, creating / Time for action – Creating our template
- template, executing / Time for action – Executing the template, Time for action – Testing the result
- DOM, manipulating / Manipulating the DOM
- game, designing with Flash / The game design
- haxe -main Main -nekohelloworld.n command / Time for action – Writing a Hello World
- haxe.Http class
- about / The haxe.Http class
- haxe.remoting package
- about / The haxe.remoting package
- haxe.Resource.getString function / Introduction to the haxe.Template class
- haxe.rtti package
- about / The haxe.rtti package
- haxe.Serializer class / The haxe package
- haxe.Template class
- about / Introduction to the haxe.Template class
- value, printing of expressions / Printing a value
- branching / Branching
- haxe.Unserializer class / The haxe package
- haXe code
- executing, from template / Time for action – Executing code from a template, What just happened?
- haxe command / Choosing an editor
- haXe data types / Typing
- haXe library
- haxe.Template class / Introduction to the haxe.Template class
- haxe package
- about / The haxe package
- remoting package / The haxe.remoting package
- rtti package / The haxe.rtti package
- Http class / The haxe.Http class
- haXe SPOD
- relations, handling / Handling relations
- haXe types
- about / Native types and haXe types
- Hello World program
- writing / Time for action – Writing a Hello World
- code / What just happened?
- compilation / What just happened?
- neko code, running / What just happened?
- hitTestObject function / Time for action – Detecting collisions
- host option / MySQL
- HTML DOM / Nodes
- HttpRequest objects / The haxe.Http class
- id field / A concrete example of SPOD use, Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- if expression
- about / If, Branching
- syntax / If
- example / If
- IHTMLGenerator interface / Time for action – Representing different types of articles
- image-based article / Time for action – Representing different types of articles
- implements keyword / Implementing an interface
- import keyword / Coding cross-platform using imports, Nodes
- inheritance, haXe / Inheritance
- installation, haXe
- about / Installing haXe
- ways / Two ways to install: The installer and sources compilation
- on Windows / Installing on Windows
- on MacOSX / Installing on MacOSX
- on Linux / Installing on Linux
- verifying / Verifying your installation
- installing
- haXe / Installing haXe
- haXe, on Windows / Installing on Windows
- haXe, on MacOSX / Installing on MacOSX
- haXe, on Linux / Installing on Linux
- SWFMILL / Time for action – Installing SWFMILL
- integers, haXe constant / Integers
- interactive program
- writing / Time for action – Interacting with the user
- code / What just happened?
- compilation / What just happened?
- neko code, running / What just happened?
- future improvements / What just happened?
- interfaces
- about / Implementing an interface
- implementing / Implementing an interface
- interfaces, haXe
- DOM / The DOM interface
- Flash / The Flash interface
- standard output / The standard input/output interface
- standard input / The standard input/output interface
- about / Interfaces
- need for / Purpose
- benefits / Purpose
- writing / Purpose
- default visibility / Default visibility
- type inference / Type inference
- implementing / Implementing an interface, Implementation and type inference
- using / Making use of interfaces
- IntHash structure / Object storage
- Int type / Integers, Time for action – Assigning from Dynamic variables
- items
- functions, applying on / Time for action – Applying a function on every item, What just happened?
- iterable objects
- about / Creating iterable objects
- creating / Creating iterable objects
- iterables
- using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- iterateAndApply function / What just happened?
- JavaScript
- about / JavaScript
- dynamic website, creating with / Have a go hero – A dynamic website with JavaScript
- js package
- about / JavaScript
- keyDown function / Event handling
- key field / Handling relations
- lastInsertId function / The lastInsertId function
- Layer class / Time for action – Reading from the XML file
- length variable / What just happened?
- Lib class / The remap switch
- library
- creating, with SWFMILL / Time for action – Creating a library
- Linux
- haXe, installing on / Installing on Linux
- lists
- using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- local functions
- about / Local functions
- local variable
- declaring / In a block of instructions
- loops, haXe
- about / Loops
- while / While
- for / For
- MacOSX
- haXe, installing on / Installing on MacOSX
- magic functions
- about / Magic functions
- magic functions, Flash
- about / The Flash magic
- __new__ / __new__
- __arguments__ / __arguments__
- __typeof__ / __typeof__
- __delete__ / __delete__
- __eval__ / __eval__
- __gettimer__ / __gettimer__
- __geturl__ / __geturl__
- __instanceof__ / __instanceof__
- __random__ / __random__
- __trace__ / __trace__
- __keys__ / __keys__
- __global__ / __global__
- __as__ / __as__
- __is__ / __is__
- __in__ / __in__
- magic functions, PHP
- about / The PHP magic
- __php__ / __php__
- __call__ / __call__
- __var__ / __var__
- __physeq__ / __physeq__
- main class / The main class
- main function / Testing our sample
- creating / Our main function
- about / Setting the connection
- main method / What just happened?
- Manager class
- about / The Manager
- functions / The all function, The objects function
- Manager class, functions
- all / The all function
- count / The count function
- delete / The delete function
- get / The get function
- getWithKeys / The getWithKeys function
- object / The object function
- objects / The objects function
- search / The search function
- Meal.hx file / Time for action – Managing a fridge
- Meal class / Time for action – Managing a fridge
- modules
- about / Modules
- moves
- handling, of character / Time for action – Handling moves, What just happened?
- multi-inheritance, haXe / Multi-inheritance
- myFridge package / Time for action – Managing a fridge
- myHandler variable / What just happened?
- myPack package / The remap switch
- about / Connecting to databases, MySQL
- data types / Typing
- MySQL database
- connecting to / MySQL
- MySQL data types / Typing
- myway flag / Conditional compilation depending on flags
- Neko
- about / Neko, Connecting to databases
- welcome message program / Time for action – Welcoming the user on Neko , What just happened?, Pop quiz – Writing cross-platform code
- neko.db.Connection interface
- about / php.db.Connection and neko.db.Connection
- neko.db.Object class / Setting a SPOD object
- function / What just happened?
- class / What just happened?
- neko.Lib.haxeToNeko function / Neko functions
- neko.Lib.nekoToHaxe function / Neko functions
- neko.Lib.println function / What just happened?
- neko.Lib class / What just happened?
- neko command / Verifying your installation
- Neko functions
- neko.Lib.haxeToNeko / Neko functions
- neko.Lib.nekoToHaxe / Neko functions
- Neko magic functions
- about / The Neko magic
- strings / Arrays and strings
- arrays / Arrays and strings
- neko package
- about / Neko
- never getter / The never getter and setter
- never setter / The never getter and setter
- new keyword
- about / Constructing class instance
- nextSequence function / Making use of interfaces
- nodes
- about / Nodes
- non-parameterized Dynamic
- implementing / Time for action – Implementing a non-parameterized Dynamic, What just happened?
- null keyword / The null value
- null value, haXe constant / The null value
- object function / The object function
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) / Modules, packages, and classes, Classes
- objects function / The objects function
- onclick handler / What just happened?
- outputString function / Expressing a function's type
- package name / Packages
- packages
- about / Packages
- Page class / Time for action – Reading from the XML file
- parameter
- variable, passing as / Passing the variable as a parameter
- parameterized class
- creating / Creating a parameterized class
- parameterized Dynamic
- implementing / Time for action – Implementing a parameterized Dynamic
- parseConfigurationFile function / Time for action – Parsing the configuration file, Time for action – Testing the writer
- parser
- testing / Time for action – Testing our parser
- pass option / MySQL
- password field / A concrete example of SPOD use
- Person class
- writing / Have a go hero – Writing a person class
- about / PHP, Connecting to databases
- welcome message program / Time for action – Welcoming the user on Neko , What just happened?, Pop quiz – Writing cross-platform code
- php.Lib.associativeArrayOfHash function / PHP functions
- php.Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray function / PHP functions
- php.Lib.toHaxeArray function / PHP functions
- php.Lib.toNativeArray function / PHP functions
- PHP functions
- php.Lib.associativeArrayOfHash / PHP functions
- php.Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray / PHP functions
- php.Lib.toHaxeArray / PHP functions
- php.Lib.toNativeArray / PHP functions
- PHP magic functions
- about / The PHP magic
- __php__ / __php__
- __call__ / __call__
- __var__ / __var__
- __physeq__ / __physeq__
- php package
- about / PHP
- platform specific packages, haXe
- js package / JavaScript
- flash9 package / Flash
- neko package / Neko
- php package / PHP
- cpp package / C++
- polymorphism / Implementing an interface
- port option / MySQL
- Post class
- creating / Time for action – Creating the Post class, What just happened?
- postedOn field / Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- posts
- listing / Time for action – Listing posts
- listing, from specific user / Have a go hero – Listing posts from a specific user
- Posts table
- creating / Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- println method / Coding cross-platform using imports
- printLoweredString function / The null value
- private members
- accessing, typedefs used / Typedefs to access private members
- private typedefs
- about / Private typedefs
- PRIVATE_FIELDS variable / Non-mapped fields
- properties
- benefits / Use
- implementing / Implementation
- getter, writing / Writing the getter
- setter, writing / Writing the setter
- defining / Defining the property
- accessibility / Accessibility
- default getter / The default getter
- default setter / The default setter
- dynamic getter / The dynamic getter and setter
- dynamic setter / The dynamic getter and setter
- never setter / The never getter and setter
- never getter / The never getter and setter
- about / A compile-time feature
- prop field / Handling relations
- push method / Creating a parameterized class
- quote function / The quote function
- about / SQL usage
- references
- storing, to functions / Time for action – Working around by storing reference to functions, What just happened?
- regular expressions, haXe constant / Regular expressions
- about / Regular expressions
- relations
- handling / Handling relations
- remap switch
- about / The remap switch
- removeEventListener function / Time for action – Using DOM level 2 events, What just happened?
- removeItem function / What just happened?
- request function / The request function
- resolve function
- about / What just happened?
- using, during Dynamic implementation / Using a resolve function when implementing Dynamic
- resources
- templates, reading from / Time for action – Reading the template from resources
- return keyword
- about / Return
- rollback function / The rollback function
- about / The haxe.rtti package
- safe casting
- performing / Safe casting
- sayHello method / Local functions
- sayHiTo function / What just happened?
- screen
- character, drawing on / Time for action – Drawing the character
- search function / The search function
- setter
- writing / Writing the setter
- shift method / Creating a parameterized class
- socket option / MySQL
- sound tag / Time for action – Using assets
- about / The SPOD
- table name / The table name
- not-mapped fields / Non-mapped fields
- cache system / The cache
- example / A concrete example of SPOD use
- connection, initiating to database / Setting the connection
- SPOD class
- creating / Time for action – Creating our SPOD class
- SPOD object
- setting / Setting a SPOD object
- SPOD system
- database, connecting to / Time for action – Connecting to the database
- sponsor property / Handling relations
- SQLite databases
- about / Connecting to databases
- connecting to / SQLite
- SQL usage
- about / SQL usage
- standard input interface
- about / The standard input/output interface
- standard library
- about / What is cross-platform in the library
- object storage / Object storage
- standard output interface
- about / The standard input/output interface
- static typing
- about / Static typing
- static variables
- about / At class level
- Std class
- about / The Std class
- stderr / The standard input/output interface
- stdin / The standard input/output interface
- stdout / The standard input/output interface
- StorableIterator class / What just happened?
- storedOn property / What just happened?
- strings, haXe constant / Strings
- Sub-Templates
- integrating / Integrating subtemplates
- SWF file
- creating / Time for action – Creating a library
- about / Embedding assets
- installing / Time for action – Installing SWFMILL
- library, creating with / Time for action – Creating a library
- SWF file, creating with / Time for action – Creating a library
- switch construct
- about / Switch
- example / Switch
- switch keyword / Switch
- .tmbundle extension / The TextMate bundle
- TABLE_NAME variable / The table name
- tar -zxf hxinst-linux.tgz command / Installing on Linux
- template
- creating / Time for action – Creating our template
- executing / Time for action – Executing the template, Time for action – Testing the result
- template.execute function / Time for action – Executing code from a template
- template engine, haXe
- arrays, using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- lists, using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- iterables, using / Using lists, arrays, and other iterables
- template macros / Time for action – Executing code from a template
- templates
- benefits / Introduction to the haxe.Template class
- haXe code, executing from / Time for action – Executing code from a template, What just happened?
- reading, from resources / Time for action – Reading the template from resources
- TextMate
- about / The TextMate bundle
- texts / Nodes
- this keyword / Constructing class instance, Level 1
- title field / Time for action – Creating the Posts table
- toLowerCas function / The null value
- trace method / What just happened?, What just happened?
- try keyword / Exception handling
- typed container
- creating / Have a go hero – Creating a typed container
- typedefs, haXe
- about / Typedefs
- anonymous types, naming / Time for action – Naming Anonymous Types, What just happened?
- using, as aliases / Aliases
- visibilty / Visibility
- private typedefs / Private typedefs
- duck typing / Duck typing
- private members, accessing / Typedefs to access private members
- iterable objects, creating / Creating iterable objects
- type inference
- about / Type inference
- Type parameters
- about / Type parameters
- using / Usage of Type parameters
- parameterized class, creating / Creating a parameterized class
- typing system
- avoiding / Freeing yourself from the typing system
- unary operators, haXe
- about / Unary operators
- unsafe casting
- about / Unsafe casting
- untyped keyword / Untyped
- User class / Constructing class instance, What just happened?, Duck typing
- creating / Setting the object, Time for action – Creating the User class, What just happened?
- username field / A concrete example of SPOD use
- user option / MySQL
- users
- listing / Time for action – Listing users
- adding / Time for action – Adding a user, Time for action – Adding a post
- Users table
- about / Setting the object
- creating / Time for action – Creating the Users table
- value
- assigning, to variables / Assigning a value
- printing, of expressions / Printing a value
- values
- assigning, to Dynamic variables / Time for action – Assigning to Dynamic variables
- assigning, from Dynamic variables / Time for action – Assigning from Dynamic variables
- variable
- declaring / Declaring a variable
- declaring, at class level / At class level
- explicitly typed variables / Explicitly typed variables
- value, assigning to / Assigning a value
- passing, as parameter / Passing the variable as a parameter
- var keyword
- about / Declaring a variable
- about / VIM
- while loop
- about / While
- syntax / While
- example / While
- Windows
- haXe, installing on / Installing on Windows
- writeConfigurationFile function / Time for action – Parsing the configuration file
- writer
- testing / Time for action – Testing the writer
- XML file
- reading from / Time for action – Reading from the XML file
- writing to / Time for action – Writing to an XML file, What just happened?
- XML handling / XML handling