Very modern RAII
If we really want to be picky, we can make another complaint about RAII; realistically, this is only a downside when the acquisition or release code is long and complex. The acquisition and release are done in the constructor and the destructor of an RAII object, respectively, and this code can be quite removed from the place in the code where the resource is acquired (so we have to jump around the program a bit to figure out what it does).
Similarly, if the resource handling requires a lot of state (such as the appropriate actions depending on several factors and conditions), we have to capture all this state in the RAII object. An example that truly challenges the readability of RAII would also be completely unreadable on a book page, so we will have to condense it. Let us say that we want to have an RAII lock guard that performs several actions when locking and unlocking the mutex, and even the way it handles the resource depends on some external parameters: