Working with Continuous Integration using Git
Working with Continuous Integration (CI) means that you need to combine the work frequently and push features as soon as they are ready.
The aim of this way of thinking is that by deploying features when they are ready, your features will be delivered to the customer faster.
There is another good thing: if you deploy on each feature, the deployment willbe smaller, so it will generate less problems because you have less things to test on each release.
This model is the practical way of using Scrum. You start a project, separate it into several sprints, divide the sprints into small features, and you are ready to start. This is the age-old policy of divide and rule.
As we already saw in the previous chapters, Git is powerful and excels at branching and merging. So, you can easily implement an agile model using Git.
To fulfill these principles, you have to integrate the changes locally. Then, you have to be sure that this code will work everywhere by...