Opening a web page
In a normal browser, opening a web page means typing a URL and letting the browser render the document fetched. It works almost the same way in PhantomJS, except that we don't actually wait for the page to be rendered before our eyes. Everything is done in a non-visual way. We don't see text, high-resolution images, or even animation on the page. We don't see anything that will show up on the screen.
We also do not type the URL in the address bar as we do in a normal browser. We create scripts to load the page. We learned in the previous chapter that to access a URL or a page in PhantomJS, we need to use the WebPage API.
var page = require('webpage').create();"", function(status) { if ( status === "success" ) { console.log("Page is loaded."); phantom.exit(0); } });
And that's how we open a page in PhantomJS. So what now? We don't use PhantomJS just to browse a...