- accept HTTP header / Testing the web service
- access.log file / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- AccessTimeout annotation / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- ACID concept / Persisting an object using JPA
- ActivationConfigProperty annotation / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- Administration Console / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) / Updating the query page
- anatomy, log message / Anatomy of a log message
- annotations
- URL / Web resources
- annotation support
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- Annotation type DataSource Definition
- URL / Web resources
- and interceptors / Interceptors and Aspect Oriented Programming
- Apache MyFaces / Preparing PrimeFaces
- Apache Web Server / Redirecting standard output to a log file
- API reference
- URL / Web resources
- application
- making, cluster friendly / Making the application cluster friendly
- deploying / Understanding deployment structures
- modules, packing into / Packaging modules into an application
- application-scoped module
- creating / Creating an application-scoped module
- application-scoped resource
- access, restricting / Restricting access to an application-scoped resource
- application.wadl file / Testing the web service
- application module
- about / The JMS module
- archived file
- packaging as / Packaging as an archived file
- Aristo theme / Configuring the Web descriptor
- asynchronous context / Asynchronous request processing
- asynchronous methods
- using / Using asynchronous methods
- URL / Web resources
- asynchronous request processing, Servlet / Asynchronous request processing
- asyncronous
- processing / Delving into Java EE 6
- audit events
- defining / Defining audit events
- authentication providers
- about / Authentication providers and security realms
- configuring / Authentication providers and security realms
- AUTO_INCREMENT feature / Creating Theater entities
- auto_increment keys / Generating classes from database tables
- auxiliary components
- retargeting / Retargeting auxiliary components
- AWT / Events
- BAD REQUEST error code (HTTP 400) / Coding the API
- batching
- using with message-driven beans, URL / Web resources
- about / Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
- BEA Home / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- Bean
- validating / Delving into Java EE 6
- bean-managed transaction (BMT)
- about / Understanding the available transaction contexts
- bean-managed transactions
- using / Using bean-managed transactions
- bean archive / Creating a named bean
- beans, Java EE 6
- stateless / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- stateful / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- message-driven / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- singleton / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- beans.xml file / Creating a named bean
- bean validation
- using / Using bean validation
- built-in constraints / About built-in constraints
- rules, grouping / Combining and grouping validation rules
- rules, combining / Combining and grouping validation rules
- custom constraint, creating / Creating a custom constraint
- validation messages, displaying / Showing validation messages
- dealing, with empty strings on JSF components / Dealing with null and empty strings on JSF components
- bidirectional relationships
- about / Preventing cyclic references
- binaries
- downloading / Downloading the binaries
- binary integral literals
- manipulating / Manipulating binary integral literals
- build.xml Ant script / Packaging the library
- built-in constraints
- @AssertTrue / About built-in constraints
- @AssertFalse / About built-in constraints
- @Null / About built-in constraints
- @NotNull / About built-in constraints
- @Min / About built-in constraints
- @Max / About built-in constraints
- @DecimalMin / About built-in constraints
- @DecimalMax / About built-in constraints
- @Digits / About built-in constraints
- @Size / About built-in constraints
- @Future / About built-in constraints
- @Past / About built-in constraints
- @Pattern / About built-in constraints
- business entities, movie ticket system / Business entities of the system
- about / The Cloud Application Foundation (CAF)
- stack, graphical representation / The Cloud Application Foundation (CAF)
- Oracle Traffic Director / Oracle Traffic Director
- Oracle Tuxedo / Oracle Tuxedo
- Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder / Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder
- Oracle Exalogic / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- WebLogic 12c / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- Oracle Exalogic features / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- case sensitivity
- disabling / Disabling case sensitivity for tables on Unix/Linux
- about / Using the Classloader Analysis Tool (CAT)
- starting / Starting CAT
- potential conflicts, finding / Finding potential conflicts
- catch block / The try-with-resources statement
- CDI Events
- URL / Web resources
- CDI qualifier
- about / Defining audit events
- certificate / WebLogic security
- classes
- generating, from database tables / Generating classes from database tables
- client module library
- about / WebLogic clients
- ClientSAFGenerate utility / Creating the configuration file
- Cloud Application Foundation (CAF) / Creating a dynamic cluster
- clustered web applications
- web.xml, updating / Updating web.xml of clustered web applications
- clustering
- about / Using Cluster and Managed Servers
- about / Understanding the available transaction contexts
- using / Using container-managed transactions
- demonstrating / Using container-managed transactions
- Coherence*Web
- about / Oracle Coherence
- sessions, replicating with / Replicating sessions with Coherence*Web
- Coherence*Web storage
- enabling / Enabling Coherence*Web storage
- Coherence cluster
- creating / Creating a Coherence cluster
- adding, to domain / Creating a Coherence cluster
- coherence integration
- with CDI, URL / Web resources
- component, WebSockets
- testing / Testing the component
- components, interceptors
- target class / Understanding interceptors
- interceptor class / Understanding interceptors
- interceptor method / Understanding interceptors
- composite component
- about / Using composite components
- using / Using composite components
- ConcurrencyManagement annotation / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- configuration, Eclipse IDE / Configuring Eclipse and OEPE
- configuration, MySQL databases / Configuring MySQL databases
- configuration, OEPE / Configuring Eclipse and OEPE
- configuration, OpenLDAP / Configuring an OpenLDAP server
- configuration, web descriptor / Configuring the Web descriptor
- connection-factory block / Adjusting the configuration file
- connection pool / Referencing MySQL databases
- constraint composition / Using bean validation
- constraint validator
- coding / Coding a constraint validator
- Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) / Creating a named bean
- Context Dependency Injection (CDI)
- about / Understanding interceptors
- context injection
- for Java EE Platform / Delving into Java EE 6
- Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- CRUD operations / Creating a user on the database
- cURL / Testing the web service
- custom authentication
- about / Authentication providers and security realms
- custom constraint
- creating / Creating a custom constraint
- customer
- publishing, to JMS queue / Publishing a customer to a JMS queue
- cyclic references
- about / Preventing cyclic references
- preventing / Preventing cyclic references
- database
- user, creating on / Creating a user on the database
- database tables
- classes, generating from / Generating classes from database tables
- data caches
- accessing from applications, URL / Web resources
- data source (DS) / Referencing MySQL databases, Creating the StoreBO project
- DataSource resource definitions
- URL / Web resources
- data sources
- declaring, with annotations / Declaring data sources using annotations
- DebugConfigInfo / Configuring a software load balancer
- dependency injection
- for Java EE Platform / Delving into Java EE 6
- deployment model
- configuring / Configuring the deployment model
- deployment target
- from Eclipse, changing / Changing deployment target from Eclipse
- deprecated features, Servlet / Deprecated features
- diamond operator
- about / The diamond operator
- digest / WebLogic security
- directory structure
- about / About the directory structure
- dispatch-policy element / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- dynamic cluster
- creating / Creating a dynamic cluster
- dynamic cluster creation wizard
- server templates / Creating a dynamic cluster
- dynamic servers / Creating a dynamic cluster
- dynamic cluster / Creating a dynamic cluster
- dynamic components, Servlet / Creating dynamic components
- dynamic invocation
- about / Consuming the service
- Eclipse IDE
- configuring / Configuring Eclipse and OEPE
- WebLogic runtime environment, linking / Linking WebLogic's runtime environment
- PrimeFaces shared library, referencing to / Adding a reference to the PrimeFaces' shared library
- WebLogic Server instance, linking / Linking WebLogic Server's instance
- MySQL database connections, adding to / Adding database connections to Eclipse
- projects, organizing in / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- EclipseLink / Creating the StoreBO project
- versions / Creating the StoreBO project
- EclipseLink 2.4.2 / Creating the StoreBO project
- EclipseLink MOXy / Preventing cyclic references
- EJB 3.1
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- features / Delving into Java EE 6
- EJB 3.1 features
- singleton beans / Delving into Java EE 6
- embeddable API for Java SE / Delving into Java EE 6
- EJB Lite / Delving into Java EE 6
- EJB 3.1 specification (JSR 318)
- about / Understanding interceptors
- EJBGen module / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- encrypted connection, WebSockets
- using / Using an encrypted connection
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
- about / Understanding interceptors
- entity listing page
- creating / Creating an entity listing page
- Entity Manager / Creating a named bean
- error destination queue / Creating the MDB
- event qualifiers
- about / Defining audit events
- events
- about / Events
- exception
- handling, multi-catch statements used / Exception handling with multicatch statements
- exception handling
- example / Exception handling with multicatch statements
- exploded archive directory
- using / Using an exploded archive directory
- external LDAP server
- using / Using an external LDAP server
- Facelets
- about / Delving into Java EE 6, Using composite components
- templates, applying through / Applying templates through Facelets
- fast-swap tag / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- FastSwap
- using, to reduce deployment time / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- enabling, steps for / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- configuration screen, parameters / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- URL / Web resources
- finally block / The try-with-resources statement, Exception handling with multicatch statements
- foreign keys / Generating classes from database tables, Creating Theater entities
- Full client
- about / Full client – wlfullclient.jar
- generated entities
- customizing / Customizing the generated entities
- named queries, creating / Creating named queries
- cyclic references, preventing / Preventing cyclic references
- date, formatting for exhibition / Formatting exhibitions' date and time
- time, formatting for exhibition / Formatting exhibitions' date and time
- generic collections / The diamond operator
- getAttribute method / JMX client – wljmxclient.jar
- getMovies method / Creating a named bean
- getTheaters method / Creating a named bean
- global role
- creating / Creating and mapping a global role
- mapping / Creating and mapping a global role
- login form, creating / Creating the login form
- login procedure, testing / Testing the login procedure
- Grid Cache / Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid
- Grid Entity / Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid
- Grid Read / Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid
- Growl
- about / PrimeFaces's Growl
- used, for displaying messages / PrimeFaces's Growl
- Growl component / Showing validation messages
- High Availability (HA) database / Creating a singleton service
- HTTP Basic/Form authentication / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security
- identity approach
- about / Creating Theater entities
- InfiniBand
- about / Overview of JDK 7
- initial-beans-in-free-pool element / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY parameter / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- installation, JDK 1.7 / Installing JDK 1.7
- installation, MySQL / Installing MySQL, Downloading and installing manually
- installation, OEPE / Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE)
- installation, OpenLDAP / Installing OpenLDAP
- installation, Oracle WebLogic Server / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- interceptor class
- about / Understanding interceptors
- interceptor method
- about / Understanding interceptors
- interceptors / Creating a named bean
- about / Understanding interceptors
- components / Understanding interceptors
- and AOP / Interceptors and Aspect Oriented Programming
- URL / Web resources
- Interceptors Javadoc
- URL / Web resources
- about / Authentication providers and security realms
- JAR Export wizard / Packing the project
- about / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security, WebLogic security
- java$app prefix / Declaring data sources using annotations
- java$comp prefix / Declaring data sources using annotations
- java$global prefix / Declaring data sources using annotations
- java$module prefix / Declaring data sources using annotations
- java.lang.AutoClosable interface / The try-with-resources statement
- JavaBeans specification
- URL / Web resources
- JavaBeans tutorial
- URL / Web resources
- Java EE 6
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- features / Delving into Java EE 6
- Java EE 6 features
- RESTful Web Services Java API / Delving into Java EE 6
- Java EE Platform dependency injection / Delving into Java EE 6
- Java EE Platform context injection / Delving into Java EE 6
- Bean validation / Delving into Java EE 6
- EJB 3.1 / Delving into Java EE 6
- Servlet 3.0 / Delving into Java EE 6
- JPA 2.0 / Delving into Java EE 6
- JSF 2.0 / Delving into Java EE 6
- Java Server Faces 2.0 / Delving into Java EE 6
- Java EE security
- exploring / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security
- Java EE XML schemas
- for DDs, URL / Web resources
- JavaFX / Events
- Java logging overview
- URL / Web resources
- Java optional package / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- Java Persistence API (JPA) / Creating the StoreBO project, Creating Theater entities
- Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) / Creating named queries
- Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) / RMI thin client – wlclient.jar
- JavaServer Faces
- overview / Overview of JavaServer Faces
- composite components, using / Using composite components
- Java Servlet 3.0 / Learning a few Servlet tricks
- Java SE security
- exploring / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security
- Java Transaction API (JTA) / Persisting an object using JPA
- javax.ejb.AsyncResult function / Using asynchronous methods
- JAX-RS / Creating the Theater web application
- enabling, in web project / Enabling JAX-RS
- RESTful Services, exposing through / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS, Coding the API
- JAX-RS Client API
- persistence.xml file, completing / Completing the persistence.xml file
- JAX-RS client libraries
- configuring / Configuring JAX-RS client libraries and optional package
- JDBC application modules
- URL / Web resources
- JDBC resources, WebLogic
- URL / Web resources
- JDK 1.7
- installing / Installing JDK 1.7
- URL, for downloading / Installing JDK 1.7
- JDK 7
- overview / Overview of JDK 7
- features / Overview of JDK 7
- Project Coin / The Project Coin, Strings in switch statements, Exception handling with multicatch statements
- Jersey 1.9
- about / Creating the Theater web application
- about / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- and WebLogic / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- persistent store / The persistent store
- server / The JMS server
- module / The JMS module
- subdeploymentTopicnabout / The JMS subdeployment
- subdeployment / The JMS subdeployment
- queue / The JMS queue
- connection factory / The JMS connection factory
- JMS 1.1 specification
- URL / Web resources
- JMS connection factory
- about / The JMS connection factory
- JMS module
- about / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic, The JMS module
- system module / The JMS module
- application module / The JMS module
- standalone module / The JMS module
- packaged module / The JMS module
- JMS queue / Persisting an object using JPA
- about / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic, The JMS queue
- customer, publishing to / Publishing a customer to a JMS queue
- security policies / Security policies for the JMS queue
- JMS Queue / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- JMS resource configuration
- URL / Web resources
- JMS SAF client
- about / JMS SAF client – wlsafclient.jar
- enabling / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- JMS server
- about / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic, The JMS server
- creating, to use with code / The JMS server
- JMS subdeployment
- about / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic, The JMS subdeployment
- JMS T3 SAF client
- about / JMS T3 SAF client – wlsaft3client.jar
- JMS thin client
- about / JMS thin client – wljmsclient.jar
- JMS Topic / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- JMX client
- about / JMX client – wljmxclient.jar
- used, for persisting object / Persisting an object using JPA
- JPA 2.0
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- JPA facet / Creating the StoreBO project
- JPA objects
- caching, with TopLink Grid / Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid
- JPA Project / Creating the StoreBO project
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- JSF 2.0
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- JSF 2.1 / The Store web project
- JSR-311 / Creating the Theater web application
- JSR 303 / Using bean validation
- JSR 315 / Learning a few Servlet tricks
- JSR 317 / Creating the StoreBO project
- JSTL 1.2 / Overview of JavaServer Faces
- Kodo / Creating the StoreBO project
- LDAP server
- about / Using OpenLDAP
- LDAP user provisioning
- testing / Testing LDAP user provisioning
- library
- packaging / Packaging the library
- Linux
- MySQL, installing on / Installing on Linux using a package manager
- local client view / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- Lock annotation / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- Log4J
- integrating, to logging service / Integrating Log4J to WebLogic's logging services
- logfile
- standard output, redirecting to / Redirecting standard output to a log file
- logfiles
- creating, for managed server / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- accessing / Accessing and reading log files
- reading / Accessing and reading log files
- logging service, WebLogic
- about / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- anatomy, of log message / Anatomy of a log message
- standard output, redirecting to logfile / Redirecting standard output to a log file
- Log4J, integrating / Integrating Log4J to WebLogic's logging services
- logfiles, reading / Accessing and reading log files
- logfiles, accessing / Accessing and reading log files
- URL / Web resources
- logging services, for application monitoring
- URL / Web resources
- login bean
- updating / Updating the login bean
- login form
- creating / Creating the login form
- login procedure
- testing / Testing the login procedure
- log interceptor
- about / Creating a log interceptor
- creating / Creating a log interceptor
- implementing / Creating a log interceptor
- log message
- anatomy / Anatomy of a log message
- log message format, WebLogic
- URL / Web resources
- loopback interface / Configuring MySQL databases
- machines
- defining / Defining machines
- managed beans / Creating a named bean
- Managed Server
- about / Singleton session beans
- MANIFEST.MF file / Packing the project
- max-beans-in-free-pool parameter / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- MBeans
- about / Overview of JDK 7
- MDBs
- messages, consuming from / Consuming messages with an MDB
- thread limits, configuring for / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- message
- sending, to LDAP server / From the JMS queue to the LDAP server, Creating the LDAP client
- consuming, from JMS queue / From the JMS queue to the LDAP server, Creating the LDAP client
- message component / Showing validation messages
- used, for displaying messages / Using the message component
- Message Driven Bean (MDB) / Signing up a user and OpenLDAP
- creating / Creating the MDB
- messages
- posting, from standalone client / Posting messages from a standalone client
- project, creating / Creating the project
- producer, coding / Coding the message producer
- queuing / Queuing messages
- production / Queuing messages
- insertion / Queuing messages
- consumption / Queuing messages
- consuming, with MDB / Consuming messages with an MDB
- sending through JMS SAF client, URL for / Web resources
- Messages Current column / Queuing messages
- Messages Pending column / Queuing messages
- method interception
- about / Interceptors and Aspect Oriented Programming
- Microsoft Windows
- MySQL, installing on / Some Windows specifics, Configuring MySQL databases
- Middleware Home / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- miltary format
- about / Formatting exhibitions' date and time
- modules
- packaging, into application / Packaging modules into an application
- application-scoped module, creating / Creating an application-scoped module
- application-scoped resource, access restricting / Restricting access to an application-scoped resource
- data sources, declaring with annotations / Declaring data sources using annotations
- Mojarra 2.1.5 / The Store web project
- movie ticket system
- about / The business scenario – movie ticket system
- business scenario / The business scenario – movie ticket system
- business entities / Business entities of the system
- projects organizing, in Eclipse IDE / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- StoreBO project, creating / Creating the StoreBO project
- Store web project / The Store web project
- about / MySQL
- installing / Installing MySQL, Downloading and installing manually
- installing on Linux, package manager used / Installing on Linux using a package manager
- URL, for downloading / Downloading and installing manually
- downloading / Downloading and installing manually
- URL, for installation / Downloading and installing manually
- case sensitivity, disabling / Disabling case sensitivity for tables on Unix/Linux
- installing, on Microsoft Windows / Some Windows specifics, Configuring MySQL databases
- MySQL database
- referencing / Referencing MySQL databases
- WebLogic data source, creating / Creating WebLogic data sources
- MySQL database connections
- adding, to Eclipse IDE / Adding database connections to Eclipse
- MySQL databases
- configuring / Configuring MySQL databases
- named bean
- creating / Creating a named bean
- Named Beans
- about / Understanding interceptors
- named queries
- creating / Creating named queries
- named query
- creating / Creating named queries
- about / Creating named queries
- network attached storage (NAS) / The persistent store
- no-interface view / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- Node Manager
- about / Introducing the Node Manager
- nonce / WebLogic security
- object
- persisting, JPA used / Persisting an object using JPA
- Object-Relation Mapping framework / Creating the StoreBO project
- Observer Pattern
- about / Events
- URL / Web resources
- about / Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse
- features, supporting / Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse
- installing / Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE)
- URL, for downloading / Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE)
- configuring / Configuring Eclipse and OEPE
- onMessage method / Consuming messages with an MDB
- OpenLDAP
- about / Using OpenLDAP
- using / Using OpenLDAP
- installing / Installing OpenLDAP
- configuring / Configuring an OpenLDAP server
- OpenLDAP authentication provider
- configuring / Configuring an OpenLDAP authentication provider
- OpenLDAP server
- using / Using an external LDAP server
- optional package / Packing the project
- optional packages
- about / Creating a shared library
- Oracle Coherence
- about / Oracle Coherence, Using Oracle Coherence
- sessions, replicating with Coherence*Web / Replicating sessions with Coherence*Web
- Coherence cluster, creating / Creating a Coherence cluster
- Coherence*Web storage, enabling / Enabling Coherence*Web storage
- application adjusting, for cache usage / Adjusting the application to use the cache
- Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) / Using a virtual application
- Oracle Exalogic
- about / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- features / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- Oracle Home / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) / Redirecting standard output to a log file
- Oracle Mojarra / Preparing PrimeFaces
- Oracle Mojarra JavaServer Faces 2.0 / Overview of JavaServer Faces
- Oracle TopLink / Creating the StoreBO project
- Oracle TopLink Version 12.1.2 / Creating the StoreBO project
- Oracle Traffic Director
- about / Oracle Traffic Director
- Oracle Tuxedo
- about / Oracle Tuxedo
- Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder
- about / Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder
- Oracle WebLogic Server
- installing / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- URL, for downloading / Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
- standalone clients, URL / Web resources
- Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.2 / Creating the StoreBO project
- OSI Model / Oracle Traffic Director
- packaged module
- about / The JMS module
- package manager
- used, for installing MySQL on Linux / Installing on Linux using a package manager
- perimeter authentication / WebLogic security
- persistence.xml file / Tweaking the persistence.xml file, Packing the project, Referencing the persistence configuration file
- tweaking / Tweaking the persistence.xml file
- about / Completing the persistence.xml file
- completing / Completing the persistence.xml file
- persistence configuration file
- referencing / Referencing the persistence configuration file
- persistent store / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic, The persistent store
- point-to-point / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- POJOs (Plain Old Java Object) / Delving into Java EE 6
- PrimeFaces
- about / PrimeFaces, Preparing PrimeFaces
- binaries, downloading / Downloading the binaries
- URL, for downloading / Downloading the binaries
- URL, for documentation / Downloading the binaries
- shared library, creating / Creating a shared library
- URL / Web resources
- PrimeFaces shared library
- referencing / Adding a reference to the PrimeFaces' shared library, Adding references to PrimeFaces' shared library
- PrimeFaces themes / Applying templates through Facelets
- Private Cloud in a Box platform / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- Project Coin
- objective / The Project Coin
- enhancements / The Project Coin
- Project Coin enhancements
- diamond operator / The diamond operator
- try-with-resources feature / The try-with-resources statement
- switch statement Strings / Strings in switch statements
- binary integral literals, manipulating / Manipulating binary integral literals
- exception handling, multi-catch statements used / Exception handling with multicatch statements
- projects
- organizing, in Eclipse IDE / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- PROVIDER_URL parameter / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- publish/subscribe / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- query page
- updating / Updating the query page
- Redefinition task limit parameter / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- Refresh interval (seconds) parameter / Using FastSwap to reduce deployment time
- Representational State Transfer (REST) / Creating the Theater web application
- ReservationCodeBean class / Using a singleton service
- reservation web service
- about / The reservation web service
- resource
- about / Creating the Theater web application
- resource concept
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- resources, RESTful management services
- monitoring / Monitoring resources
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- REST client
- creating / Creating the REST client
- JAX-RS client libraries, configuring / Configuring JAX-RS client libraries and optional package
- web service consumer, creating / Creating the web service consumer
- SearchManager bean, updating / Updating the SearchManager bean
- query page, updating / Updating the query page
- RESTful management services
- about / Using RESTful management services
- enabling / Enabling the management service
- resources, monitoring / Monitoring resources
- response, formatting / Formatting the response
- with Oracle WebLogic Server, URL / Web resources
- RESTful Services
- exposing, through JAX-RS / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS, Coding the API
- RESTful Web Services Jave API
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- RFE(Request for Enhancement) / Overview of JDK 7
- Rich Internet Application (RIA) / Preparing PrimeFaces
- Rich Internet Applications (RIA) / Using an encrypted connection
- RMI thin client
- about / RMI thin client – wlclient.jar
- <ServerName.log> file / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- SAML / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security
- sample entries
- loading / Loading sample entries and testing
- testing / Loading sample entries and testing
- about / Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- SDP support
- about / Overview of JDK 7
- SearchManager bean
- updating / Updating the SearchManager bean
- seat query
- executing, REST web service used / A brief intermission
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) / WebLogic security
- security-role-assignment element / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- about / WebLogic security
- security policies / Protecting WebLogic resources
- for JMS queue / Security policies for the JMS queue
- security realms
- about / Authentication providers and security realms
- security roles assignments / Using an external LDAP server
- SECURITY_CREDENTIALS parameter / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- SECURITY_PRINCIPAL parameter / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- server component, WebSockets
- creating / Creating the server component
- service migration
- URL / Web resources
- service provider
- testing / Testing the service provider
- Service Provider Interface (SPI)
- about / WebLogic security
- Servlet, tricks
- about / Learning a few Servlet tricks
- deprecated features / Deprecated features
- name, identifying / Identifying the default name of a servlet
- asynchronous request processing / Asynchronous request processing
- dynamic components, creating / Creating dynamic components
- servlet-mapping / Configuring a software load balancer
- Servlet 3.0
- about / Delving into Java EE 6
- modifications / Delving into Java EE 6
- Servlet 3.0 modifications
- annotation support / Delving into Java EE 6
- asynchronous processing / Delving into Java EE 6
- servlet context listener / Creating dynamic components
- shared library
- creating / Creating a shared library
- ShowCase / Downloading the binaries
- URL / Downloading the binaries
- Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO)
- about / WebLogic security
- Single Point of Failure (SPOF)
- about / Singleton session beans
- Single Point Of Failure (SPOF) / Creating a singleton service
- singleton
- applying, to web services / Singleton applied to web services
- singleton design pattern
- URL / Web resources
- singleton service
- about / Singleton session beans
- using / Using a singleton service
- creating / Creating a singleton service
- service client, adjusting / Adjusting the service client
- singleton session beans
- about / Singleton session beans
- implementing / Implementing a singleton session bean
- startup annotation, using / Understanding how to use the startup annotation, Establishing a startup and shutdown sequence
- dealing, with concurrency / Dealing with concurrency when using singletons
- and web service / Web services and SOAP
- soft load balancer
- configuring / Configuring a software load balancer
- Managed Server, creating for / Creating a new Managed Server for load balancing
- enabling / Enabling the load balancer
- split development directory environment
- URL / Web resources
- SSL / Exploring Java SE and Java EE security
- standalone client
- messages, posting from / Posting messages from a standalone client
- standalone clients
- URL / Web resources
- standard output
- redirecting, to logfile / Redirecting standard output to a log file
- startup annotation
- using / Understanding how to use the startup annotation, Establishing a startup and shutdown sequence
- Stateless Session Bean / Exposing RESTful Services through JAX-RS
- static cluster
- creating / Creating a static cluster
- servers, starting / Creating a static cluster
- static invocation method
- about / Consuming the service
- Store / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- Store-and-Forward client feature
- about / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- JMS SAF client, enabling / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- configuration file, creating / Creating the configuration file
- connection password, encrypting / Encrypting the connection password
- configuration file, adjusting / Adjusting the configuration file
- code, adjusting / Adjusting the code
- testing / Testing the SAF client
- StoreBO project
- creating / Creating the StoreBO project
- classes generating, from database tables / Generating classes from database tables
- named query, creating / Creating named queries
- persistence.xml file, tweaking / Tweaking the persistence.xml file
- packing / Packing the project
- referencing to / Adding references to StoreBO
- Store web project
- about / The Store web project
- PrimeFaces shared library, referencing to / Adding references to PrimeFaces' shared library
- StoreBO project, referencing to / Adding references to StoreBO
- persistence configuration file, referencing / Referencing the persistence configuration file
- named bean, creating / Creating a named bean
- web descriptor, configuring / Configuring the Web descriptor
- test page, defining / Defining the test page
- deploying / Deploying and testing the application
- testing / Deploying and testing the application
- Strings, switch statement
- about / Strings in switch statements
- example / Strings in switch statements
- Structured Query Language (SQL) / Creating named queries
- Swing / Events
- synchronous execution
- about / Using asynchronous methods
- system module
- about / The JMS module
- creating, to use in projects / The JMS module
- T3 client
- about / Thin T3 client – wlthint3client.jar
- T3 network protocol
- about / Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
- T3Server
- about / Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
- target class
- about / Understanding interceptors
- targeting
- about / Singleton session beans
- templates
- applying, through Facelets / Applying templates through Facelets
- test page
- defining / Defining the test page
- Theater / Organizing projects in Eclipse
- Theater entities
- creating / Creating Theater entities
- generated entities, customizing / Customizing the generated entities
- library, packaging / Packaging the library
- Theater module / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- Theater web application
- creating / Creating the Theater web application, Setting up the project
- JAX-RS, enabling / Enabling JAX-RS
- Theme packages
- URL, for downloading / Downloading the binaries
- ThemeRoller / Downloading the binaries
- URL / Downloading the binaries
- thread limits
- configuring, for MDBs / Configuring thread limits for MDBs
- ThreadLocalRandom class / Overview of JDK 7
- time-to-live limit / The JMS queue
- token / WebLogic security
- TopLink Grid
- about / Caching JPA objects with TopLink Grid
- TopLink Grid
- home page, URL / Web resources
- documentation, URL / Web resources
- transaction context
- acquiring, manually / Acquiring a transaction context manually
- transaction contexts
- about / Understanding the available transaction contexts
- try-with-resources feature
- about / The try-with-resources statement
- example / The try-with-resources statement
- try block / The try-with-resources statement
- try statement / The try-with-resources statement
- unitName attribute / Creating a named bean
- unit testing
- about / Creating the StoreBO project
- user
- signing up / Signing up a user and OpenLDAP
- creating, on database / Creating a user on the database
- validation / Using bean validation
- validation.xml file / Using bean validation
- validation messages
- displaying / Showing validation messages
- validation rules
- combining / Combining and grouping validation rules
- grouping / Combining and grouping validation rules
- validator object / Combining and grouping validation rules
- virtual application
- about / Understanding deployment structures
- using / Using a virtual application
- Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- about / WebLogic security
- vocabulary
- about / Creating the Theater web application
- @WebServlet annotation / Delving into Java EE 6
- web.xml deployment descriptor / Using an external LDAP server
- web.xml descriptor file
- modifying / Modifying the web.xml descriptor file
- web.xml file / Defining the test page
- web application
- structuring / Structuring the web application
- templates, applying through Facelets / Applying templates through Facelets
- entity listing page, creating / Creating an entity listing page
- securing / Securing the web application
- web.xml descriptor file, modifying / Modifying the web.xml descriptor file
- weblogic.xml descriptor file, modifying / Modifying the weblogic.xml descriptor file
- global role, mapping / Creating and mapping a global role
- global role, creating / Creating and mapping a global role
- Web Application Description Language (WADL) / Testing the web service
- web beans / Creating a named bean
- web descriptor
- configuring / Configuring the Web descriptor
- WebLogic
- history / Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
- logging service / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- logfiles, creating for managed server / Understanding WebLogic's logging service
- and JMS / Java Messaging Service (JMS) and WebLogic
- weblogic.xml descriptor file
- modifying / Modifying the weblogic.xml descriptor file
- WebLogicCluster / Configuring a software load balancer
- WebLogic clusters & Multi-tier architectures
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic data source
- creating / Creating WebLogic data sources
- WebLogic domain
- setting up / Setting up a WebLogic domain
- Weblogic EJBGen reference
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic JMS
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic JMS Thin Client
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic resources
- protecting / Protecting WebLogic resources
- WebLogic runtime environment
- linking / Linking WebLogic's runtime environment
- WebLogic security
- about / WebLogic security
- authentication providers / Authentication providers and security realms
- security realms / Authentication providers and security realms
- WebLogic Server
- about / Using RESTful management services
- WebLogic Server 12c
- about / Introducing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, Oracle Exalogic and WebLogic 12c
- features / Most relevant features
- WebLogic Server 12c features
- full Java EE 6 support / Most relevant features
- certified with JDK 6 / Most relevant features
- certified with JDK 7 / Most relevant features
- JDBC Store for JTA logs / Most relevant features
- built-in CAT / Most relevant features
- Coherence 12.1.2 / Most relevant features
- Glassfish to WebLogic deployment descriptor support / Most relevant features
- enhanced WebLogic Maven support / Most relevant features
- WebSockets support / Most relevant features
- OSGi bundles / Most relevant features
- server templates / Most relevant features
- dynamic clusters / Most relevant features
- dynamic clustered JMS Servers / Most relevant features
- WebLogic Server application classloading
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic Server instance
- linking / Linking WebLogic Server's instance
- WebLogic Server MBean reference
- URL / Web resources
- WebLogic Universal Test Client (ws_utc)
- about / Testing the service provider
- web project
- JAX-RS, enabling / Enabling JAX-RS
- Web resources
- Java links / Web resources, Java and Java EE 6
- Java EE 6 links / Java and Java EE 6
- WebLogic 12c links / WebLogic 12c
- Coherence links / Coherence
- other tools / Other tools
- web resources / Web resources, Web resources, Web resources
- about / Web resources, Web resources
- web service
- testing / Testing the web service
- and SOAP / Web services and SOAP
- consuming / Consuming the service
- web service consumer
- creating / Creating the web service consumer
- web services
- singleton, applying / Singleton applied to web services
- WebSockets
- about / Using WebSockets
- using / Using WebSockets
- server component, creating / Creating the server component
- component, testing / Testing the component
- encrypted connection, using / Using an encrypted connection
- WLDF architecture
- URL / Web resources
- WLST / Packaging modules into an application
- WS-Addressing entries
- about / Testing the service provider
- XA / The Store-and-Forward client feature
- XA-enabled resource / The JMS connection factory
- XAConnectionFactory / The JMS connection factory