- ACS, BizTalk Services / Certificates and ACS
- adapter / Concepts
- adapters, BizTalk Server / Adapters
- Add button / Configuring partners – Fabrikam, Northwind, and Contoso
- adoption factors / Business drivers
- agreement
- about / Partners and agreements
- AgreementID property / Property promotion
- agreements
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting agreements
- calling / Calling the API
- application protocol / Concepts
- archiving
- about / Tracking and archiving
- NRR / Non-repudiation
- artifact / Concepts
- AS2 agreement
- configuring, between Fabrikam and Contoso / Configuring the AS2 agreement between Fabrikam and Contoso
- Azure management portal
- URL / Lookups
- Azure Management portal
- BizTalk Services deployment, creating from / The BizTalk Services create wizard
- B2B
- about / Basic concepts of B2B
- B2B, trading partners
- direct enterprise integration / Direct enterprise integration
- service provider integration / Service provider integration
- about / The BizTalk Adapter Service
- installing / BAS installation and configuration
- configuring / BAS installation and configuration
- consuming, with bridges / Consuming BAS with bridges
- BAS architecture / The BAS architecture
- batching
- about / Batching
- selection criteria / Selection criteria
- release criteria / Release criteria
- BizTalk Portal
- transport / Partners and agreements
- protocol / Partners and agreements
- transform / Partners and agreements
- route / Partners and agreements
- Inbound URI / Partners and agreements
- suspend endpoint / Partners and agreements
- BizTalk portal registration / BizTalk portal registration
- BizTalk Server
- maps / Maps
- pipelines / Pipelines
- schema / Schema
- adapters / Adapters
- Trading Partner Management (TPM) / Trading Partner Management (TPM)
- EDIFACT support / EDIFACT support
- Business Rules Engine (BRE) / Business Rules Engine (BRE)
- orchestrations / Orchestration
- roadmap for / The future
- BizTalk Services
- history / Background
- business drivers / Business drivers
- technical drivers / Technical drivers
- core scenarios / Core scenarios
- integration solutions, building on Azure / Concepts
- bridge / Concepts
- adapter / Concepts
- transform / Concepts
- application protocol / Concepts
- route / Concepts
- artifact / Concepts
- lifeycle / Life cycle and architecture
- architecture / Life cycle and architecture
- provisioning service / Life cycle and architecture
- per tenant deployment / Life cycle and architecture
- per tenant dependencies / Life cycle and architecture
- provisioning / Provisioning BizTalk Services
- registering / Provisioning BizTalk Services
- backing up / Back up and restore
- restoring / Back up and restore
- performance counters / Performance counters
- BizTalk Services, provisioning
- certificates / Certificates and ACS
- ACS / Certificates and ACS
- storage requirements / Storage requirements
- BizTalk portal registration / BizTalk portal registration
- BizTalk Services B2B
- about / Concepts in BizTalk Services B2B
- EDI message structure / EDI message structure
- partner / Partners and agreements
- agreement / Partners and agreements
- property promotion / Property promotion
- system properties / Property promotion
- extensibility / Extensibility
- BizTalk Services project
- creating / Creating a BizTalk Services project
- BizTalk Services SDK
- URL / Prerequisites, Maps
- BizTalk Services solution
- creating / Creating your first BizTalk Services solution, Scenario description, Creating the BizTalk Services solution
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- BizTalk Services project, creating / Creating a BizTalk Services project
- Order schema, creating / Creating the Order schema
- verifying / Verifying the solution
- bridge / Concepts
- configuring / Configuring a bridge, Configuring the bridge
- message processing / Message processing
- messaging / Messaging
- enrichment / Enrichment
- lookup / Lookups
- deploying / Deploying the bridge
- bridges
- sources / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- pipelines / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- attributes / Attributes of bridges
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting bridges
- brokered messaging
- about / Brokered messaging
- business drivers, BizTalk Services / Business drivers
- business profiles / Partners and agreements
- Business Rules Engine (BRE), BizTalk Server / Business Rules Engine (BRE)
- certificates, BizTalk Services / Certificates and ACS
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- cmdlets
- URL / Using PowerShell
- Contoso
- configuring / Configuring partners – Fabrikam, Northwind, and Contoso
- and Fabrikam, configuring AS2 agreement between / Configuring the AS2 agreement between Fabrikam and Contoso
- and Northwind, configuring X12 agreement between / Configuring the X12 agreement between Northwind and Contoso
- core scenarios, BizTalk Services / Core scenarios
- cumulative operation / Mapping operations
- custom code, EAI
- message inspectors / Message inspectors
- creating / Creating custom code
- data
- tracking / Tracking
- data, troubleshooting
- data, tracking / Tracking
- traces / Traces and logfiles
- logfiles / Traces and logfiles
- performance counters / Performance counters
- date and time operation / Mapping operations
- decode / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- Deploy command / Deploying the bridge
- deployment considerations
- about / Deployment considerations
- deployment time, errors / Messages and errors
- design time, errors / Messages and errors
- destinations / Destinations
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting sources and destinations
- developer persona / Personas and tools, Developer
- direct enterprise integration / Direct enterprise integration
- about / Enterprise application integration scenarios
- custom code / Custom code in EAI
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- schema, creating / Creating a schema
- custom code, creating / Creating custom code
- bridge, configuring / Configuring the bridge
- bridge, deploying / Deploying the bridge
- messages, sending / Sending messages
- EAI, BizTalk Services
- sources / Sources
- bridges / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- VETER pattern / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- destinations / Destinations
- ecosystem players
- about / Ecosystem players
- EDIFACT header and trailer
- about / EDI message structure
- EDIFACT support, BizTalk Server / EDIFACT support
- EDI message structure
- interchange / EDI message structure
- group segment / EDI message structure
- transaction set / EDI message structure
- Enrich (E) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- enrichment / Enrichment
- errors
- deployment time / Messages and errors
- design time / Messages and errors
- runtime / Messages and errors
- Event Trace Log (ETL) / Traces and logfiles
- example
- map, adding / An example
- Execute button / Calling the API
- expressions / Mapping operations
- extensibility / Extensibility
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) / Maps
- Fabrikam
- configuring / Configuring partners – Fabrikam, Northwind, and Contoso
- and Contoso, configuring AS2 agreement between / Configuring the AS2 agreement between Fabrikam and Contoso
- failure
- dealing with / Dealing with failure
- Fiddler
- URL / Calling the API
- functoids / Mapping operations
- Get Context Property mapping operation
- about / More on mapping
- graphical mapping designer
- about / The map designer
- group segment / EDI message structure
- HL7
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- hybrid connectivity
- BAS / The BizTalk Adapter Service
- BAS architecture / The BAS architecture
- BAS, installing / BAS installation and configuration
- BAS, configuring / BAS installation and configuration
- BAS, consuming with bridges / Consuming BAS with bridges
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting hybrid connectivity
- Inbound URI / Partners and agreements
- interchange / EDI message structure
- IT Pro persona / Personas and tools, IT Pro
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) / Back up and restore
- list operation / Mapping operations
- logfiles, troubleshooting / Traces and logfiles
- lookup / Lookups
- loop operation / Mapping operations
- Main method / Back up and restore
- MakeRequest method / Back up and restore
- Manage Access Keys button / Back up and restore
- map
- testing / Testing
- mapper
- about / The mapper
- mapping
- problem / The problem
- about / More on mapping
- mapping operation
- about / Mapping operations
- URL / Mapping operations
- String operation / Mapping operations
- loop operation / Mapping operations
- expressions / Mapping operations
- list operation / Mapping operations
- cumulative operation / Mapping operations
- date and time operation / Mapping operations
- miscellaneous operation / Mapping operations
- maps, BizTalk Server / Maps
- Maps property / Configuring a bridge
- Message Disposition Notification (MDN) / Tracking
- message inspectors / Message inspectors
- message processing / Message processing
- MessageReceivedTime property / Property promotion
- MessageReceiver
- about / Sending messages
- MessageReceiver C# sample
- URL / Sending messages
- MessageReceiver sample
- building / Putting it all together
- messages
- sending / Sending messages
- messaging / Messaging
- miscellaneous operation / Mapping operations
- MSDN Code Gallery
- URL / Configuring the bridge
- Northwind
- configuring / Configuring partners – Fabrikam, Northwind, and Contoso
- and Contoso, configuring X12 agreement between / Configuring the X12 agreement between Northwind and Contoso
- NRR / Non-repudiation
- OnBeforeRequest function / Calling the API
- orchestrations, BizTalk Server / Orchestration
- Order schema
- creating / Creating the Order schema
- partner / Partners and agreements
- Partner administrator persona / Personas and tools, Partner Administrator
- PDFTemplate utility
- URL / Prerequisites
- performance counters / Performance counters
- personas
- developer persona / Personas and tools, Developer
- IT Pro persona / Personas and tools, IT Pro
- Partner administrator persona / Personas and tools, Partner Administrator
- per tenant dependencies / Life cycle and architecture
- per tenant deployment / Life cycle and architecture
- pipelines / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- pipelines, BizTalk Server / Pipelines
- PowerShell
- using / Using PowerShell
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- Professional Developers Conference (PDC) / Background
- property promotion / Property promotion
- protocol / Partners and agreements
- protocols
- X12 / Industry standards and protocols
- HIPAA / Industry standards and protocols
- UN/ EDIFACT / Industry standards and protocols
- SWIFT / Industry standards and protocols
- RosettaNet / Industry standards and protocols
- CIDX / Industry standards and protocols
- PIDX / Industry standards and protocols
- provisioning service / Life cycle and architecture
- Receive Settings
- configuring / Configuring the X12 agreement between Northwind and Contoso
- Red Dog Front End (RDFE) / Life cycle and architecture
- release criteria / Release criteria
- about / REST
- RosettaNet
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- route / Concepts, Partners and agreements
- Route (R) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- routing
- about / Routing
- Run method / Back up and restore
- runtime, errors / Messages and errors
- schema
- creating / Creating a schema
- schema, BizTalk Server / Schema
- schema, BizTalk Services
- about / Schema
- schemas
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting schemas and transforms
- selection criteria / Selection criteria
- Send button / Trying it out
- Service Bus BrokeredMessage type
- URL / Brokered messaging
- Service Bus explorer application
- URL / Trying it out
- service provider integration / Service provider integration
- Services deployment
- creating, from Azure Management portal / The BizTalk Services create wizard
- Settings button / Dealing with failure
- SourceName parameter / Using PowerShell
- SourceName property / Property promotion
- sources / Sources
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting sources and destinations
- SourceType property / Property promotion
- storage requirements, BizTalk Services / Storage requirements
- String operation / Mapping operations
- suspend endpoint / Partners and agreements
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- system properties / Property promotion
- SystemRequestID property / Property promotion
- technical drivers, BizTalk Services / Technical drivers
- Test Map Input File property / Testing
- traces, troubleshooting / Traces and logfiles
- tracking
- about / Tracking, Tracking and archiving
- NRR / Non-repudiation
- tracking data
- viewing / Viewing tracking data, Viewing tracking data
- Trading Partner Management (TPM), BizTalk Server / Trading Partner Management (TPM)
- Trading Partner Management Object Model (TPM OM) / Extensibility
- transaction set / EDI message structure
- transform / Concepts, Partners and agreements
- Transform (T) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- transforms
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting schemas and transforms
- transport / Partners and agreements
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- user interface (UI) / Lookups
- Validate (V) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- Validate Instance command / Creating the Order schema
- Value Added Networks (VANs) / Service provider integration
- VETER pattern
- about / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- VETER pattern, stages
- Validate (V) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- Enrich (E) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- Transform (T) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- Route (R) / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- decode / Bridges and the VETER pattern
- WADLogsTable
- about / Traces and logfiles
- WebSender
- about / Sending messages
- Web Sender C# sample
- URL / Sending messages
- Windows Azure documentation
- URL / Deployment considerations
- Windows Azure management portal
- URL / Calling the API
- X12
- URL / Industry standards and protocols
- X12 agreement
- configuring, between Northwind and Contoso / Configuring the X12 agreement between Northwind and Contoso
- X12 header and trailer
- about / EDI message structure
- XML Schema Definition
- URL / The mapper