Powered by DAX: visual, interactive reports
In discussing the Five-Layer model, we already briefly touched upon the importance of visual reporting. But effective visual reporting is only possible through the power of DAX-based models.
Creating visual output is paramount to generating real insights versus a lot of information only. Just take the example below:

Figure 1.3: Some sales data in a table visual
Can you spot the problem or opportunity this company has? If so, you are very good at numbers! Most people, though, are much more visually inclined. The picture below provides the same insight in a visual way:

Figure 1.4: The same sales data presented more visually
It is obvious now that one of the SKUs is doing significantly better than the others. That is an interesting and valuable insight: if we can make the other SKUs reach the same performance, the overall results of the company will dramatically improve. This insight also leads to something else...