This chapter began with a discussion of Excel’s unwritten rule, which is about ensuring that the first row of any lists in your spreadsheet comprises a single row of unique titles. We then compared Tables, PivotTables, and data Tables, followed by a discussion of two approaches for converting a normal range of cells into a Table. The Table feature adds automatic enhancements, some of which you can disable or supplement with additional characteristics. Remember to be mindful when converting Tables into a normal range of cells to prevent anyone from mistakenly relying on non-existent automation in a normal range of cells that is masquerading as a Table.
Tables particularly enhance formulas in Excel, both by way of Calculated Columns within Tables and self-resizing formulas outside of Tables. Structured references make it easier to write and audit formulas that reference data within Tables. We went from formulas to filtering, and then you saw how Slicers can kick a Table...