In this chapter, you learned about the various services for connecting on-premises networks to Azure, connecting Azure networks in different regions or subscriptions through Azure VPN Gateway, ER, and the Azure Virtual WAN service. You learned about the various types of VPN connections available, their differences, and when to choose each offering. You also experienced the configuration of several VPN types and Azure Virtual WAN. You should feel comfortable with connecting your networks to Azure and what services to use. In the next chapter, you will learn in detail about monitoring and troubleshooting for Azure networks.
Remember to delete the resources you created in this chapter to minimize costs. You can do this with the following commands for convenience, which will remove the resource group and all the corresponding resources:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -
Name AZ104-VPNGateway
Remove-AzResourceGroup -
Name AZ104-ExpressRoute
Remove-AzResourceGroup -