One or more Elasticsearch nodes can be setup on physical or a virtual server depending on the available resources such as RAM, CPUs, and disk space.
A default node allows us to store data in it and to process requests and responses. (In Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup, we will see details on how to set up different nodes and cluster topologies).
When a node is started, several actions take place during its startup: such as:
Configuration is read from the environment variables and from the elasticsearch.yml
configuration file
A node name is set by config file or chosen from a list of built-in random names
Internally, the Elasticsearch engine initializes all the modules and plugins that are available in the current installation
After node startup, the node searches for other cluster members and checks its index and shard status.
To join two or more nodes in a cluster, these rules must be matched:
The version of Elasticsearch must be the same (2.3, 5.0, and so on), otherwise the join is rejected
The cluster name must be the same
The network must be configured to support broadcast discovery (default) and they can communicate with each other. (Refer to How to setup networking recipe
Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup).
A common approach in cluster management is to have one or more master nodes, which is the main reference for all cluster-level actions, and the other ones called secondary, that replicate the master data and actions.
To be consistent in write operations, all the update actions are first committed in the master node and then replicated in secondary ones.
In a cluster with multiple nodes, if a master node dies, a master-eligible one is elected to be the new master. This approach allows automatic failover to be setup in an Elasticsearch cluster.
In Elasticsearch, we have four kinds of nodes:
Master nodes that are able to process REST ( responses and all other operations of search. During every action execution, Elasticsearch generally executes actions using a MapReduce approach ( the non data node is responsible for distributing the actions to the underlying shards (map) and collecting/aggregating the shard results (reduce) to send a final response. They may use a huge amount of RAM due to operations such as aggregations, collecting hits, and caching (that is, scan/scroll queries).
Data nodes that are able to store data in them. They contain the indices shards that store the indexed documents as Lucene indexes.
Ingest nodes that are able to process ingestion pipeline (new in Elasticsearch 5.x).
Client nodes (no master and no data) that are used to do processing in a way; if something bad happens (out of memory or bad queries), they are able to be killed/restarted without data loss or reduced cluster stability. Using the standard configuration, a node is both master, data container and ingest node.
In big cluster architectures, having some nodes as simple client nodes with a lot of RAM, with no data, reduces the resources required by data nodes and improves performance in search using the local memory cache of them.