Sharing a bookmark
To share a bookmark, we really just need to create a bookmark node by following these steps:
To add a bookmark to the site, click on Add content | Bookmark or navigate to
. For this example, we will add a link to a wiki article on Moby Dick, as shown in the following screenshot:Once you have entered the appropriate title, link, keywords, and body description, click on the Save button. The following screenshot shows the saved link:
Bookmark to blog
Bookmarks can also be used as a starting point for student conversations via the student blog. By providing students a link to a common resource, you can use bookmarks as tools to structure preteaching or to support student-directed inquiry through content.
To get started, log in as a user in the teacher role. Create a bookmark, as described earlier, pointing to This site gives very general instructions to readers starting Moby Dick.
Use these keywords to describe the post...