Configuring build job
Now that Git authentication is done with, let's configure a PetClinic build job:
Click on the PetClinic build job on the Jenkins dashboard. Then, click on the Configure link. You'll see the following page as shown here:
Under Source Code Management, provide the GitHub URL for the sample Spring project we forked earlier, as shown in the following screenshot:
We will configure Build Triggers and the Build Environment as shown here:
Under Build, click on Add build step and select Invoke top-level Maven targets. Select the Maven Version we configured in Global Tools Configuration. Enter the Maven target and click on Save:
Let's manually trigger the build by clicking on Build Now. After the build is complete, you'll see this:
Click on the build number, the one with the # symbol. Open Console Output. Verify the Git operations executing before Maven target execution:
Once source code is available in the build job's workspace, the Maven target will be executed and the...