Green from Go!
Green from go! really just means setting yourself up the correct way when kicking off a new piece of work. For us, that means having all our foundational pieces of software up and running before writing any application software. It is another mantra of ours. Much like show, not tell, this one is all about getting things working with a light touch into a usable state.
For example, take choosing the tool we want to use to automate the building of our code, such as Jenkins or Tekton, or choosing how we manage secrets or access to private information. The ambition with green from go! should be obvious – clear the pathway to empower developers to get on and do what they do best – writing amazing, high-quality software that delights end users.
When we engage in any new piece of software delivery, we always ensure the tools we need to do our jobs are in place. We will have picked a few that will help us automate taking our code, compiling it, and delivering...