TD control
In the control method, our goal is to find the optimal policy, so we will start off with an initial random policy and then we will try to find the optimal policy iteratively. In the previous chapter, we learned that the control method can be classified into two categories:
- On-policy control
- Off-policy control
We learned what on-policy and off-policy control means in the previous chapter. Let's recap that a bit before going ahead. In the on-policy control, the agent behaves using one policy and tries to improve the same policy. That is, in the on-policy method, we generate episodes using one policy and improve the same policy iteratively to find the optimal policy. In the off-policy control method, the agent behaves using one policy and tries to improve a different policy. That is, in the off-policy method, we generate episodes using one policy and we try to improve a different policy iteratively to find the optimal policy...