Performing multivariate analysis with Plotly.NET
In the last chapter, we covered univariate analysis, which focused on analyzing a single dimension of data, such as one column in a DataFrame
. By contrast, multivariate analysis studies how two or more variables interact with each other.
While we’ll look at some charts built specifically for multivariate analysis, such as the scatter plot, let’s start by seeing how some of the charts we’ve already introduced can illustrate multiple variables at the same time.
Loading data and dependencies
In this chapter, we’ll be working with the same data as Chapter 5, Visualizing Data, and using the same steps to get set up.
We’ll start with our dependencies:
#r "nuget:Microsoft.Data.Analysis,0.21.1" #r "nuget:Plotly.NET,5.0.0" #r "nuget:Plotly.NET.Interactive,5.0.0" #r "nuget:MathNet.Numerics,5.0.0" open MathNet.Numerics.Statistics open Plotly.NET open Microsoft...