Setting up security
The two most important aspects when you examine the security mechanisms of Databricks are networking, on the one hand, and access controls, on the other.
Examining access controls
Access control lists are, as you have already seen in Chapter 3, Understanding the Data Lake Storage Layer, a fine-grained method for controlling who can see what and do what in the environment. If you have chosen to provide a premium plan workspace, you can set up access control lists for the following:
- Workspaces: Within workspaces, you can set ACLs on a finer level for Folders, Notebooks, and MLflow Experiments. The different object types will show up with several different abilities that you can control. You can find a detailed overview via the link in the Further reading, Workspace Access Control, section. You can configure No Permissions, Read, Run, Edit, and Manage for the different abilities in the different artifacts.
- Clusters: For clusters, you can set No Permissions...