Exploring advanced user account management
Way back in Chapter 1, ChromeOS Basics, you got your first experience of creating Google accounts. A Google account is your primary means of identity management on ChromeOS devices as well as in Google Workspace. However, when you or your organization decides to level up your Google Workspace instance by acquiring paid subscriptions, you unlock the ability to create and centrally manage Google accounts from the Admin console. Earlier in this chapter, you briefly looked at the Directory à Users submenu, but now it’s time to go all in!
To create a user account, perform the following steps:
- Open your Chrome browser and navigate to https://admin.google.com.
Note that you will need to log in to the Admin console with a Google account that has admin rights.
- Once you’re in the Admin console, go to the Directory à Users section.
- From this screen, in the All organizations section (1 in Figure 10...