- allow-end$ true / Setup
- AlwaysDay plugin / Creating a BukkitRunnable class, Writing a repeating task for a plugin
- about / Introduction to APIs
- asynchronous tasks
- versus synchronous tasks / Synchronous versus asynchronous tasks
- boolean value / Understanding the Java documentation, Programming the command actions
- boolean variable / Communicating among events
- broadcastMessage method / Making and calling new methods
- broadcastToServer method / Making and calling new methods, Testing new versions of your plugin
- Bukkit
- adding, as library / Adding Bukkit as a library
- Bukkit.getWorlds() method / Navigating the Bukkit API documentation
- bukkit.yml file / Setup
- Bukkit API
- exploring / Exploring Bukkit API
- forums, URL / Summary
- IRC channel, URL / Summary
- Bukkit API documentation
- about / The Bukkit API documentation
- navigating / Navigating the Bukkit API documentation
- Bukkit events
- URL / Choosing an event
- Bukkit plugin, essentials
- plugin.yml file / The plugin.yml file
- plugin main class / The plugin's main class
- BukkitRunnable
- about / Creating a BukkitRunnable class
- creating / Creating a BukkitRunnable class
- task, running from / Running a task from a BukkitRunnable class
- task, running later from / Running a task later from a BukkitRunnable
- task timer, running / Running a task timer from a BukkitRunnable class
- Bukkit server commands
- about / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- Bukkit settings
- URL / Setup
- cancelWarp method / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- clone method / Storing configuration values as variables
- command
- actions, programming / Programming the command actions
- executor, assigning / Assigning the executor for the command
- Command cmd command / Programming the command actions
- CommandExecutor / Saving, loading, and reloading the config file
- CommandExecutor class / Programming the command actions
- CommandExecutor interface / Programming the command actions
- CommandSenders
- URL / Programming the command actions
- CommandSender sender command / Programming the command actions
- config.yml file / Using a third-party permissions plugin
- writing / Writing a config.yml file
- config file
- saving / Saving, loading, and reloading the config file
- loading / Saving, loading, and reloading the config file
- reloading / Saving, loading, and reloading the config file
- values, reading / Reading and storing the configured values
- values, storing / Reading and storing the configured values
- configurable plugin
- configured settings, using / Using configured settings within your plugin
- ItemStack / ItemStack within a configuration
- ConfigurationSerializable class
- writing / Writing a ConfigurationSerializable class
- configuration value
- storing, as variables / Storing configuration values as variables
- configured settings
- using, within plugin / Using configured settings within your plugin
- CraftBukkit
- latest version downloading, URL for / Installation
- CraftBukkit server
- installing / Installation
- setting up / Setup
- plugins folder / Setup
- world folder / Setup
- file / Setup
- bukkit.yml file / Setup
- createExplosion method / Understanding the Java documentation
- data
- saving, types / Types of data that can be saved
- saved, types / Types of data that can be saved
- to save, types / Which data to save and when
- saving, to YAML configuration / Saving data to a YAML configuration
- loading, from YAML configuration / Loading data from a YAML configuration
- difficultly property / Setup
- doDaylightCycle / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- doFireTick / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- doMobLoot / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- doMobSpawning / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- EnchantComand class
- code / Programming the command actions
- EnchantCommand / Programming the command actions
- enchant command / Programming the command actions, Assigning the executor for the command
- event
- selecting / Choosing an event
- listener, registering / Registering an event listener
- listening for / Listening for an event
- cancelling / Canceling an event
- communicating between / Communicating among events
- on occurence, modifying / Modifying an event as it occurs
- event.getEntity() / Modifying an event as it occurs
- EventHandler annotation / Listening for an event
- EventHandler method / Listening for an event
- executor
- assigning, for executor command / Assigning the executor for the command
- gamemode=0 property / Setup
- gamemode command / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- getHealth() method / Introduction to APIs
- getInt() method / Reading and storing the configured values
- get method / Loading data from a YAML configuration
- getName() method / Navigating the Bukkit API documentation
- getServer() method / Making and calling new methods
- give <player> <item> [amount [data]] / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- hardcoded / Using configured settings within your plugin
- HashMap / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- installing / Installing an IDE
- URL, for downloading / Installing an IDE
- if statement / Programming the command actions, Using configured settings within your plugin
- ignoreCancelled property / Listening for an event
- IP / Port forwarding
- isEdible() method / Introduction to APIs
- ItemStack
- within configuration / ItemStack within a configuration
- jar file
- building / Building the JAR file
- Java Development Kit (JDK) / Installing an IDE
- Java documentation
- about / Understanding the Java documentation
- keepInventory / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- Listener class / Registering an event listener
- load method / Loading data from a YAML configuration
- Location object / Types of data that can be saved
- Message of the day (motd) / Setup
- method
- new method, calling / Making and calling new methods
- Minecraft Forums
- URL / Summary
- Minecraft server / Installation
- Minecraft server commands
- about / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- MobEnhancer plugin / Writing a ConfigurationSerializable class
- MobEnhancerReloadCommand class / Accessing variables from another class
- mobGriefing / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- motd=A Minecraft Server / Setup
- NetBeans IDE
- new project, creating / Creating a new project
- NoRain class / Communicating among events
- onCommand method / Programming the command actions
- onEnable() method / The plugin's main class, Making and calling new methods, Assigning the executor for the command, Using permission nodes throughout your plugins
- onEnable method / Writing a ConfigurationSerializable class, Creating a BukkitRunnable class
- online-mode=true / Setup
- onMobSpawn method / Using configured settings within your plugin, Storing configuration values as variables
- onPlayerCommand method / Communicating among events
- permission nodes
- about / Understanding permission nodes
- adding, to plugin.yml / Adding a permission node to plugin.yml
- assigning, to plugin command / Assigning a permission node to a plugin command
- using, through plugins / Using permission nodes throughout your plugins
- PermissionsBukkit
- URL, for installing / Using a third-party permissions plugin
- Player Permissions
- benefits / The benefits of permissions
- nodes / Understanding permission nodes
- node, adding to plugin.yml / Adding a permission node to plugin.yml
- testing / Testing player permissions
- third party permissions plugin, using / Using a third-party permissions plugin
- plugin
- installing / Installing your plugin
- testing / Testing your plugin
- new versions, testing / Testing new versions of your plugin
- creating, on own / Creating more plugins on your own
- repeating task, writing / Writing a repeating task for a plugin
- delayed task, adding / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- plugin.yml
- command, adding to / Adding a command to plugin.yml
- permission node, adding / Adding a permission node to plugin.yml
- plugin.yml file
- about / The plugin.yml file
- plugin command
- permission node, assigning to / Assigning a permission node to a plugin command
- plugins / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- plugins folder / Setup
- port forwarding
- about / Port forwarding
- PROPERTIES (.properties) file / Setup
- pvp property / Setup
- registerEvents() method / Accessing variables from another class
- registerEvents method / Registering an event listener
- reload / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- reloadConfig method / Storing configuration values as variables, Accessing variables from another class
- reload method / Accessing variables from another class
- return keyword / Programming the command actions
- runTaskLater method / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- scheduleTeleportation method / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- sendMessage method / Programming the command actions
- SerializableLocation class / A sample teleportation plugin
- serialize method / Writing a ConfigurationSerializable class
- file
- about / Setup
- pvp property / Setup
- difficultly property / Setup
- gamemode=0 property / Setup
- motd=A Minecraft Server / Setup
- setCancelled method / Choosing an event, Canceling an event
- softcoded / Using configured settings within your plugin
- spawn-limits / Setup
- spawnpoint [player] [x y z] / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- stop / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- String alias command / Programming the command actions
- String[] args command / Programming the command actions
- synchronous tasks
- versus asynchronous tasks / Synchronous versus asynchronous tasks
- task
- running, from BukkitRunnable / Running a task from a BukkitRunnable class
- running, later from BukkitRunnable / Running a task later from a BukkitRunnable
- timer, running from BukkitRunnable / Running a task timer from a BukkitRunnable class
- repeating, for plugin / Writing a repeating task for a plugin
- delayed task, adding to plugin / Adding a delayed task to a plugin
- teleportation plugin
- about / A sample teleportation plugin
- tell <player> <message> / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- ticks-per$ autosave$ 0 / Setup
- time set <day | night> / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- toggledownfall / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- tp [player] <targetplayer> / Minecraft/Bukkit server commands
- use-exact-login-location$ false / Setup
- variables
- accessing, from other class / Accessing variables from another class
- Warper plugin / Synchronous versus asynchronous tasks
- World class / Navigating the Bukkit API documentation
- world folder / Setup
- configuration, hierarchy / YAML configuration hierarchy
- YAML configuration
- data, saving from / Saving data to a YAML configuration
- data, loading from / Loading data from a YAML configuration
- YMAL (.yml) file / Setup