6.5 Distributional models
We saw earlier that we can use linear models for parameters other than the mean (or location parameter). For example, we can use a linear model for the mean and a linear model for the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution. These models are usually called distributional models. The syntax for distributional models is very similar; we just need to add a line for the auxiliary parameters we want to model. For instance, σ for a Gaussian, or α for a NegativeBinomial.
Let’s now reproduce an example from Chapter 4, the babies example:
Code 6.16
formula = bmb.Formula(
"length ∼ np.sqrt(month)",
"sigma ∼ month"
model_dis = bmb.Model(formula, babies)
idata_dis = model_dis.fit()
Figure 6.9 shows the posterior distribution values of sigma for model_dis
(varying sigma) and for a model with constant sigma. We can see...