Adding background music to your presentation
When you watch a movie, do you notice the background music? If you're like most of us, you probably don't unless there's some really dramatic music at one point or another. We might notice the introductory theme music, but after that most of us don't pay much attention to the music, although it is an important part of any movie scene. It is the music more than anything, which sets the scene, telling us if it's going to be suspenseful, romantic, humorous, or sad.
Adding background music to your presentation has the same affect. The right music can have a lot to do with how the viewer receives the message you are presenting, whether for a corporate proposal or for the training session of a sales message. Selecting and adding your music is an important part of creating the total effect of your presentation.
This is one of the places where we want to do the work from Articulate instead of PowerPoint, even though PowerPoint has the capacity to add music...