Setting a custom coordinate reference system
In this recipe, you will define a custom projected coordinate reference system. Your CRS will have the following parameters:
- A geodetic datum:
- The reference ellipsoid is at Krassowsky 1940 (semi-major axis: 6378245.000 m and inverse flattening: 298.3)
- The fundamental astronomic point at the Pulkovo observatory with the latitude 59°46'18.550"N and longitude 30°19'42.090"E
- Prime Meridian at Greenwich.
- Projection: A conformal azimuthal perspective projection (stereographic), it is also an oblique stereographic projection on a secant projection plane, with the following parameters:
- Latitude and longitude of origin (projection pole = center of projection) are φ0 = 460 N and λ0 = 250 E
- Scale factor (rectangular coordinates from the tangent plane to the secant plane) is 0.999,750,000
- False easting = 500,000 and false northing = 500,000 (the origin of the rectangular coordinate system is the projected image of the projection...