Animating a view using the Animate method
Any window, view, or component in Titanium can be animated using the Animate method. This allows you to quickly and confidently create animated objects that give your applications the wow factor. Additionally, you can use animations as a way of holding information or elements off the screen until they are actually required. A good example of this would be if you had three different TableViews but only wanted one of those views visible at any one time. Using animations, you could slide those tables in and out of the screen space whenever it suited you, without the complication of creating additional windows.
In the following recipe, we will create the basic structure of our application by laying out a number of different components and then get down to animating four different ImageViews; these will each contain a different image to use as our funny face character.
Getting ready
To prepare for this recipe, open up Appcelerator Studio and log in if you...