Push notifications using Urban Airship
I have reservations about including a section on push notifications with Urban Airship. It's important to say that my reservations are not with the Urban Airship service, but instead with the availability of interfaces for Titanium apps. When Android was in its infancy and Titanium apps were developed almost purely for iOS with the dream of porting to Android, interfaces were developed from Titanium to Urban Airship. Then as Android matured and went through several different push notification methods, no reliable way of sending push notifications to Android devices using Titanium via Urban Airship were developed. It's still the case now; there are several competing modules on the marketplace which no doubt all work perfectly well and provide good service. However, this book is not about recommending specific modules (especially ones that aren't free), as their reliability cannot be vouched for, and also not in the spirit of the book, which has suggested...