Flurry specializes in providing mobile analytic information for apps. Their cross-app analysis is a real bonus for small-time app developers who have a small user base or only a single app. By collecting statistics gathered from other apps on the same device, they can provide analysis about your user base that goes far beyond the information you have gathered. Take a look at the following screenshot of app data from Flurry:
Also, take a look at the following screenshot:
Flurry has not released a JavaScript API that can be used by cross-platform development tools such as Titanium, so we have to interface to a native library. For this you need to either write your own Titanium module or download one from the Appcelerator Marketplace. The example shown at the following link was based on the Flurry module that is compatible with both iOS and Android, developed by One Cow Standing:
There is also a free iOS only Flurry module developed...