Near real-time search
Before we learn about near real-time search (NRT), let us first understand what real-time search is. It is the ability to search for the appropriate content immediately after the content has been added or modified. This means that if you add or modify content, the system should be capable enough to process the content at such a high speed (one second or even less) such that if a user searches using an appropriate keyword, they will be able to see the search results with the updated information.
Near real-time search is the same as that of real-time search, with the difference being the time taken to process the added or modified content. Unlike real-time search, NRT search takes around 30 seconds to process the content, which is even less than one second in case of real-time search. This time period is also called index latency, which is one second or even less for real-time search and approximately 30 seconds in case of NRT.
We will now discuss a few additional information...