Time for action — creating/editing entries
Have you decided yet what you are going to write? In the meantime, let's do an exercise with a sample post, so you can get the feeling:
In the previous exercise, you logged out of Roller's Administration user interface. If you closed your web browser, open it and go to your blog's URL (
). Your weblog's front page will appear next:Scroll down the page until you find the Login link, at the bottom-right corner of the screen, under the NAVIGATION section of your weblog's front page, and click on it:
In the Welcome to Roller screen, enter your username and password. As you only have one weblog, Roller will take you directly to the New Entry page, where you can start writing a new post:
Use the sample data in the previous screenshot to write your first post. Fill in the Title, Tags, and Content fields only. Then scroll down to the end of the page and click on the Save as Draft button. Roller will save your draft, adding information...