51.5 Changing the Detail Pane
The layout for the detail pane (the screen that is displayed when the user selects an item from the primary list) is contained within the activity_website_detail.xml file which, in turn, contains a FrameContainerView instance which is used to display the actual detail pane content. If the app is displaying in single-pane mode, the frame container will display the layout contained in the fragment_website_detail.xml file, while multi-pane mode will display the fragment_website_detail.xml (sw600dp) layout.
The template layout provided by Android Studio for the fragment_website_detail.xml comprises a Coordinator layout containing an app bar, toolbar, floating action button, and a text view. For this example, all we need to display is a WebView, so open this file and delete all of the views from the layout with the exception of the website_detail_container view. The easiest way to do this is to select all of the unwanted views in the Component Tree as shown...