Making a document versionable
As a software developer, you must be aware of version control of your code. Controlling, managing, and maintaining the history of document versions is equally important in the context of a document management system.
Imagine that you are writing the requirement document on the newest project you are working on. A number of people will probably be involved in writing and validating this; and thus a number of iterations will be taking place for constructing the document and before the document is ultimately finalized. So how will you be able to manage all the versions of the document? Obviously, it is quite difficult to name the document as per the version and change the name every time the version is changed. What happens if you have reached version number 100? You need a version control-enabled document management system. Alfresco provides exactly that and much more beyond that!
How to do it...
1. We once again take the About InfoAxon.html document to apply and...