In this chapter, we have covered various ways of publishing MCMS content within a SharePoint site, as well as publishing SharePoint content within an MCMS site. In each of these two situations we explored what the MCMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies—a free download provided by Microsoft—provides to assist in publishing content between the two environments.
For publishing SharePoint content within an MCMS site, we used the SharePoint Document Placeholder on an MCMS template to display properties and/or contents of a document stored within a SharePoint document library. In addition, we built a new placeholder control, which works as an aggregator for the content of a SharePoint list.
To publish MCMS content within a SharePoint site, we used the Page Listing Web Part shipped with the Connector to display all the postings within a specified channel in an MCMS site as a list in SharePoint. We also saw the two administration Web Parts included in the Connector, MCMS Pages in Production...