Earlier this week, the ReactOS team announced the release of ReactOS 0.4.12. This release comes with a bunch of kernel improvements, Intel e1000 NIC driver support, font improvements, and more.
The filesystem infrastructure of ReactOS 0.4.12 has received quite a few improvements to enable Microsoft filesystem drivers. The team has also worked on the common cache module that has deep ties to the memory manager. The team has also improved device power management, fixed support for PXE booting, and overhauled the write-protection functionality.
ReactOS 0.4.12 comes with support for window snapping. So, users will now be able to align windows to sides or maximize and minimize them by dragging in specific directions. This release also comes with the keyboard shortcuts that accompany this feature.
ReactOS 0.4.12 has a new driver to support the Network Interface Card (NIC) out of the box. Now, end-users do not need to manually find and install a driver. This new driver will also be compatible with e1000 NICs.
In ReactOS 0.4.12, font rendering is made more robust and correct. This release fixes a series of problems that badly affected text rendering for buttons in a range of applications, from iTunes to various .NET applications.
In this release, the team has made a range of improvements to user-mode components. The common controls (comctl) library is used by most of the Windows applications to draw various generic user interface elements. The team has fixed an issue related to it “reading extremely dryly.” Other updates include drivers for MIDI instruments and animated rotation bar in the startup/shutdown dialog.
Check out the official announcement to know more about ReactOS 0.4.12 in detail.
ReactOS 0.4.11 is now out with kernel improvements, manifests support, and more!
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