In this article by Charit Mishra, the author of Mastering Wireshark, we will help the reader understand the following topics:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
The analysis of the flags present in the TCP packets is quite simple. While using Wireshark, there is an individual section that is available in the details pane for every TCP packet. Let's take a TCP packet and see how the flags are presented in the details pane, and then we will try to create a display filter corresponding to the same. Refer to the following screenshot:
Now we will see what each pointer mentions:
Now if you wish to create a display filter to see only the SYN packets you have in the trace file, then apply the filter shown in the following screenshot. As a result, you will see only the SYN packets present in your trace file, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
Let's try to create one more filter to view the SYN, ACK packets only in the list pane. Perform the following steps to create the same:
As defined in RFC 768, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol, which is great to transmit real-time data between the hosts and often termed as an unreliable form of communication, reason being UDP doesn't care about the delivery of packets and any lost packets are not been recovered, because the sender is never informed about the dropped or discarded packets lost during the transmission. But still many protocols such as DHCP, DNS, TFTP, SIP, and so on, rely on this only. The protocols that use UDP as a transport mechanism have to rely upon other techniques to ensure data delivery and error-checking capabilities. They are inbuilt with such features, which can provide some level of reliability during the transmission. A point not to forget is that UDP provides faster transmission of the packets and it is not concerned about the initiation of the connection or graceful termination as seen in the TCP. That's why UDP is also referred to as a transaction-oriented protocol not a message-oriented protocol like TCP.
The size of a usual UDP header is 8 bytes; the data that is added with the header can be theoretically 65535 (practically 65507) bytes long. UDP header is quite small if compared to TCP header. It has just four common fields that are Source Port, Destination Port, Packet Length, and Checksum, as follows:
To understand the way UDP works, let's go ahead and analyze some of the protocols that use UDP as a delivery protocol. First, I would like to discuss DHCP and then we will see DNS traffic as well.
For the analysis purpose, I have a default gateway configured at and a client at Using the client, I will try to generate DHCP and DNS traffic, which will be captured Wireshark and then I will try to dissect the each protocol's communication process as well as the different components utilized during the whole session.
The most common and important protocol, which assigns IP addresses to devices and enables them to be network compatible is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Now, from the client, I will try to release the IP address that the client already holds, which will generate a DHCP packet and the same will be captured by the sniffer placed. Look at the following screenshot:
In the list pane, we can see a DHCP release packet, which was generated implicitly by the client in order to release the current IP address (I used the dhclient –v –r command on the Linux terminal to release the IP address. But be careful while using this command; it may disconnect your machine from the network, hence making it incompatible for network communication). The client from IP to the server at initiated the request. The port numbers used by the client and the server in case of DHCP is permanent. That won't be changed in your case too, until it is manually configured. The DHCP server port number is 67 and DHCP client port number is 68 by default. The same you can see in the preceding screenshot (highlighted as 3). The fourth field I have highlighted is the packet length field, which specifies the length of the packet starting from the first byte until the end of data in the packet. But out of the 308 bytes, 8 bytes is the UDP header length and the rest of the 300 bytes would be the application data appended. Interestingly, if a machine is power cycled, it will request the DHCP server to allocate an IP that, as a result, will generate a couple of packets relating to the DHCP request, release, offer, and various others that will also be using UDP as a transport mechanism.
I filtered the packets listed to show only the DHCP packets using the filter udp.port==67. As a result, only the DHCP packets will be listed in the list pane.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol is light-weighted version of FTP, which is used for transferring between hosts. Unlike the FTP protocol, TFTP does not ask the users for any sought of credentials. TFTP uses UDP as a transport mechanism. Most commonly, TFTP is used in the LAN environments and when dealing with manageable devices like switches and routers. Network administrators do use TFTP servers to back up configuration files and to update the firmware running in those devices. And TFTP is also used by security professionals to transfer files from their system to yours in order to escalate the privileges (gaining more rights on a compromised system).
I have a TFTP server running at and a client at There is a text file abc.txt that I've created on the server and the client will try to download the same. And our sniffer in place will capture the traffic generated.
The traffic generated due to the transaction that happened between the two hosts is successfully captured and the packets corresponding to it is shown in the following screenshot:
Now, let's see what each pointer mentions:
You must be wondering about the acknowledgement packets that are shared between the two hosts. As we studied, UDP is an unreliable form of communication, so why are we seeing some sort of ACK's in UDP. The reason is that the TFTP server I am using has some kind of reliability feature inbuilt into it. Even on the client side over the standard console, after initiating the request, I received quite interactive messages from the server like "the file of size 3 bytes has been transferred successfully" and various other details were listed along with the message. An interesting thing to know here is that the port 69 was involved only in the first packet, and the rest of the packets are sent and received by the acknowledging feature the server is embedded with. So, the statement that, some protocols using UDP as transport protocol has an inbuilt feature for ensuring delivery is true which we witnessed it now.
Suppose if the resource we are looking for is not available on the server, then how the traffic will look like. Refer to the following screenshot:
As seen in the preceding screenshot, the client requested for an invalid resource that the server wasn't able to locate and hence returned with an error code and a summary message File not found. The same message was shown over the standard console to the client.
Sometimes, it is also possible that the server daemon is not running and the client requests for a certain resource. In such cases, the client would receive ICMP destination unreachable with error code 3. Refer to the following screenshot for the same:
Now we will see what each pointer mentions:
Unusual DNS requests are also seen very often when a client initiates a request to look for name servers associated with an address. It would look similar to the following screenshot:
Now, we will see what each pointer mentions:
There can be multiple scenarios where you will be seeing unusual traffic related to UDP. The most important one you can look for is the TFTP traffic, which might be generated because of a TFTP client in your network. It may be a malicious traffic that you would like to take a note of.
TCP is a reliable form of communication that uses the processes like three-way handshake and tear down, ensuring to make the connection reliable and interactive. A lot of traffic is generated because of these packets taking part in the creation of the session between the two hosts.
The TCP header is 20 bytes long that consists of various fields like source and destination port, SEQ and ACK numbers, offset, window size, flag bits, checksum, and options. The presence of various flags and header fields let the sender and receiver make sure about the delivery as well as the integrity of the data being sent.
SEQ and ACK numbers are used by the TCP-based communications to keep track of how much data is being sent across between the hosts taking part.
Several popular protocols like HTTP, FTP use TCP for transport mechanism, and in case of packet loss, the retransmission of the lost frames take place to ensure successful delivery.
UDP is a connectionless protocol that is a nonreliable means of communication over IP; the lost and discarded packets are never recovered. UDP does provide us with faster transmission and easier creation of sessions. UDP header is 8 bytes long, which has very few fields like source and destination port, packet length, and checksum. At the end, the Application data is appended.
UDP is being utilized by many protocols today, one of the most important implementation of UDP you will see while streaming live videos from the Internet.
Common protocols such as DHCP, TFTP, DNS, RTP, SIP, and so on use UDP for transport mechanism and not to mention these services are some of the major services, which we deal with in our everyday life. For making the connection reliable, some of these protocols support their own version of acknowledging features that comes inbuilt into them.
Further resources on this subject: