Email Users
By Vincent Prat (
Why it's awesome: Ability to target e-mails to different segments of your community in a very simple package
Why it was picked: No setup required, fast installation, popular download

Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: Email Users
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Top Navigation | Email
Used In: Administrator
You might be asking yourself, why do I want to e-mail my users? I have RSS feeds, tweets, Facebook updates, and just about every other means of communicating with my readers. The answer is actually simple: e-mail converts. Even in this time of spam overload, e-mails convert significantly higher than social media updates and Google AdWords. If you have a reader base, then you have one of the most valuable assets online—users' e-mail addresses and their attention.
E-mail ideas
With Email Users, you now have the ability to send your messages directly...