A detailed look at SOAP requests and responses
We invoked three operations in GuestManagementService
using soapUI. As we have observed, addGuest
operations are examples for request-response MEP, whereas the
operation emulates a one-way pattern.
Add another guest to the system by running an addGuest
operation. In the request editor, switch to the Raw tab from the default XML view in both request and response. This is shown in the following screenshot:
The Raw view of the request shows the HTTP header block. In the response pane, the Raw view shows the HTTP headers as well as the HTTP body, which includes the SOAP response message. We can see that the HTTP 200 successful response code in the response message.
In request HTTP headers, take a note of the User-Agent header. Since soapUI uses the Jakarta Commons HttpClient component from the Apache HTTP Components project as the request submission client, the value is set to Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1.
By default...