Appendix C. Power CLI - A Basic Reference
Log in to and download the VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.0 release 1 or release 2. We have used the PowerCLI 6.0 R 1 in this appendix, but R 2 is publically available to download:

Double click on the downloaded file to start the installation wizard, as shown in the following screenshot:

Click on Next and accept the following agreement:

In the next window, you can choose the features that you would like to install. In previous versions of PowerCLI, vCloud or vCD PowerCLI, these features are not installed by default. In PowerCLI 6.0, vCloud Air/vCD PowerCLI is already enabled by default. We will install vCD PowerCLI as we have a vCloud Director installed. You can choose to disable it according to your environment. Click on Next:

And then, click on Install:

Click on Finish once the installation wizard is completed:

Open the installed vSphere PowerCLI via the shortcut on your desktop. You will be presented with...